UK & World News reviewed by The Bitch! (a weekly column)

Every week The Bitch! passes her beady eye over the news and current events and gives you her opinions. Sometimes funny; sometimes serious, this popular column will often make you question, and maybe re-think, your own values.

Social Security system is inefficient

See how the government cheats the average American out of $2 million dollars when compared to the S&P average yearly return. Also learn how the system is immoral, as it forces you to invest your money with the government bureaucrats.

Healing Anger and Violence in Our Society

I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound six-step healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughout the day (FREE course available – see resource box).

How to defeat terrorism

Terrorism is plaguing the earth and spreading at an alarming rate. Many people are asking what we can do to stop this virus of global jihad, but from studying the past a clear answer is shown.

Signed Ji-Sung Park Man United Shirt Being Given Away For Charity

Few have not heard of Ji-Sung Park, the Korean superstar dubbed the “Shaggy Haired-One” of UK Premiership team Manchester United. Park rose to international stardom in 2002, scoring goals against England and France during international friendlies in May, preceding the World Cup of 2002.

The Decline Of The Local Newspaper

I have recently been hearing about how our local newspapers (in the UK) are falling into decline due to a raft of competition from various alternative media sources such as the internet.