Some Good Pointers On How To Get Rid Of The Nastiest Of All Habits
It’s not a secret that smoking has very bad effects on your health. Even when smokers are fully aware of this, a lot of them fail while trying to get rid of this nasty, dangerous habit. Here are some pointers to help smokers successfully quit this habit.
Nicotine stimulates the transmission of electric pulses in the peripheral nervous system, increases the amount of blood that flows into the coronary arteries, produces tachycardia and vessel constriction, increases arteria…
Quitting Smoking Hijacked by the Nucleus Accumbens
The what? If you think quitting smoking is difficult, think of it as a chemical reaction to certain stimuli, that’s all. There’s some odd sounding brain parts that party up big when you smoke. Here’s what happens and here’s how to have your own party on your own terms.