Can You Really Trust The Person You Are Dating Online?

Heather is a 42 year old American lady.Divorced with two children,she decided to try online dating to possibly get a new partner.

She signed up with one of the popular dating sites and set up a profile.The anonymity and security of online dating appealed to her and she hoped it would work out for her.

In a matter of days, she was contacted by a man who also claimed to be looking for a love relationship.The man was handsome,also divorced and in his mid-forties. He claime…

The Role Of Secrecy In Romance Scams

The menace of romance scams again re-echoed recently at the media –hyped trial of the wife of a clergyman who allegedly murdered her husband.

She apparently had cashed some fraudulent checks sent to her by a fraud syndicate working from Nigeria and Canada.

She seemed to have sent some money to the fraudsters, and was said to have tried to cover up the fraud with the bank officials.

It was during an argument with her husband, a minister in the Methodist church, over t…