Hypnotherapy And Nlp: Unscrambling The Link

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy are very closely related and could be considered to come from the same ‘family’ of therapeutic approaches. In fact, if you are considering having hypnotherapy and are currently searching for a therapist, you will probably find that many hypnotherapists now-days, practice NLP to some level and conversely that most NLP practitioners who have completed certified training courses, will also be familiar with using hypnotic techni…

I Love Nlp But I’m Not A Nerd

NLP has taken the therapy world by storm and quite rightly so. It creates rapid lasting change and you don’t need a PHD to learn the simple skills. There are many, many trainers and training company’s pumping out Practitioner by the hundreds and it would be fair to say that there are varying degrees of competency amongst these. I certainly have been amongst those who have argued in the past that some training school are responsible for poor quality NLP training, thus sending …

Learn To Make Your Submodalities Work For You!

As human beings, we make sense of the world through our five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell). This is the only information we have about the world and this information is used to make up our internal representations of the world.

What this means is that every thought, memory or use of imagination, contains information from our senses. So, it may comprise pictures, sounds, feelings, smells or taste.

Furthermore, the information from our five senses contai…

Motivational Courses Using Hypnotherapy NLP And Life Coaching Part 2/3

Now all of those are great reasons to go to the gym, but did they get you there? No. If the pleasure of going was a good enough reason, you would have done it already! So your commitment to this motivation you want, will be tested by using pain. During the motivational courses I have provided in St Albans, I have found that people are put off by this relatively simple concept which is really just about getting leverage. Leverage is a bit of an American term, but it gives us a…

Motivational Courses Using Life Coaching Hypnotherapy And NLP Part 3/3

In my St Albans Motivation Courses, I offer Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation that allows unconscious changes to be made easily. NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming, which are different techniques and strategies to help you communicate more effectively to yourself and others, and have greater control over your emotional state. Life coaching is a means of establishing where you are now, where you want to be in the future an…

NLP And Self Hypnosis To Beat The Winter Blues

This article is about some of the down sides to the winter months and how using a few mental tools you can not only survive but thrive through the dark, cold winter months.

Research shows that there is a general increase in stress levels amongst the western population on the run up to the end of the year and through the first couple of months into the next. This time of year is also associated with increases in financial instability, increases in domestic disputes and ment…

Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions

This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.

Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.

Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a …

Philosophy And Mental Illness

“I think therefore I am” – Renee Descartes (1640)

It is a beautiful summers day and you are walking in the countryside. In a clearing to your right you see a cherry tree, the red fruit peeping from under the lush green foliage. You walk up to it. You touch it, feeling the rough bark under your fingertips. You can hear the breeze rustling the leaves, and smell the odour of the fruit. You take a cherry and pop it in your mouth, savouring the sweet juice as it floods over you…

Phobia Cure For Comic Relief

In case you didn’t know already, Red Nose Day is Friday 16th March 2007. In an exclusive charitable event, People Building training providers of Hypnotherapy and NLP throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and London are going to be performing an event for the general public.

As far as we are aware, it is a first in comic relief history and they are going to be working for free to rid the nation of it’s phobias. Please bear in mind that as individuals, thes…

Phobias – Their Causes And How You Can Overcome Them With Hypnotherapy

A phobia can be defined as an illogical fear or dread. When a person experiences a panic attack, they get panicky feelings; their breathing and heart rates increase; they may experience feeling choked up like their heart is in their throat; their palms often get sweaty; they may experience a ringing in their ears; and they often find that they are unable to take part in an activity. These feelings motivate the individual to try to avoid th…