Questioning Skills And Nlp Training

Have you ever noticed that I begin a lot of my articles with questions?

Asking the right questions can make a huge difference to your quality of life, ask the wrong ones and they could be disastrous.

Questions also draw people in and if used in the right away leave people hanging desperate to know more (an old but effective marketing trick). Wouldn’t it be good if this article showed you how to do that?

NLP teaches a new model of the world that will allow you to repl…

Revealed – The Truth About Coaching, Hypnosis, Nlp And How To Go Beyond It

NLP hasn’t evolved very far since it was first conceived. As an NLP Trainer with 16 years Coaching and Hypnosis experience, all Jonathan Clark sees is more of the same. So he’s done something about it…

Interviewer: I was so impressed with your skill and depth of knowledge and ability to help people truly change their lives and things have really developed since then, haven’t they, you’ve now developed your own methodology called HGE, it’s a definite breakthrough or progres…

Set the Frame to Win the Game

Knowing how to frame an interaction gives you incredible power. Here are a few pointers on how to “set the frame”.

Talk To Yourself To Create The Hypnosis Motivate To Success Formula

Did you ever try to do away with a harmful behavior, only to fail? There is an extensive list of ordinary problem behaviors that people often try to alter or eliminate using self-hypnosis or NLP. The most common are: Overeating and weight loss; stop smoking; quit chewing tobacco; stop nail biting; increasing self-confidence; overcoming insomnia and sleeping better; improving memory; and managing stress.

The motivation for our behav…

The Origin And History Of Hypnosis

Hypnosis or hypnotism is a psychological phenomenon of exceeding interest to both layman and scientist. Its history is as old as that of the human race, and it has been utilized by the most primitive of peoples, ancient and modern, in the practice of religious and medical rites to intensify belief in mysticism and magic. The striking character of this psychological manifestation, its inexplicable and bewildering phenomenology, and the seemingly miraculous results it produces….

There’s A New Sheriff Between Your Ears!

Deputy Dawg Days!

I recently had a client that wanted to change her ‘self-esteem’. Since I have never seen a ‘self-esteem’ I had to figure out exactly what she was talking about before I could determine whether or not we could change ‘it’. Self-esteem falls into the category of metaphysical beasties that are actually a collection of actions that we try to abbreviate into a thing in order to make ‘it’ easier to talk about. My test of true ‘thingness’ is whether or not th…

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy Trainer

NLP and Hypnotherapy are fast growing must-have skills these days. However, in a market where practically anyone can call themselves a practitioner, how do you know that the company or individual training you, is professionally qualified and skilled in the area of expertise. Do you know how to tell the difference between Joe Bloggs off the street who’s spent a few hours reading books on the subject in comparison to the major trainers who have really invested their time and kn…

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy Training Provider

NLP and Hypnotherapy are big news. More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of mastering the power of their own minds. Lets face it, there are infinite possibilities available to us in our lives and the more we open our minds, the more those possibilities bombard us and the more options we have. Long gone are the days of being hard wired to depression, of only doing and being what others say I must do or be, of going through life with feelings limited existence…

Will You Be A Kirk, Crunch, Or Kangaroo?

Have you ever noticed that life frequently serves, usually when we are least prepared, opportunities to make life-altering choices. Do I stay at this dead –end, but secure job, or take a chance with a new risky opportunity? Do I step out into a new relationship, or cling to the comfort of mom and dad’s basement? Do I tenaciously adhere to speaking only truth, even if brutal, or do I take the easy road of a barely off-white but much more socially acceptable lie? Choices, big a…

The Power of Thought

Who you are today and the reality you have created are a result of your thoughts – your thoughts about what is possible and what’s not. These thoughts are influenced by your spirituality – your purpose – who you see yourself being, and your beliefs and values.