Do We Need Labels?

We all know that having a bowl of hot steamy soup is about filling our tummies – and perhaps about a nice warm up after a sojourn in the cold or wet.

But for Campbell Soup it’s also about filling the coffers of some very needy folks and facilities – the institutions that teach your children.

More than 30 years ago Campbell introduced its Labels for Education program. This charitable idea produced or contributed extensively to several long-standing and noteworthy project…

Great Discovery Helps You Gain Energy

It is estimated that a whopping 70% of our energy comes from our emotional state of mind as apposed to the food we eat or the exercise that we do. Find out why.

Top Tips For Good Nutrition This Thanksgiving

To many, good nutrition and thanksgiving dinner seem to cancel each other out. However it should be possible and even easy to make a nutritious meal that is a pleasure to share with friends and family. Here are a few tips to help you make your holiday meals healthy ones too.

Prepare a wide variety of foods. Traditional thanksgiving stories tell us of meals that contained wide varieties of dishes reflecting the backgrounds of the many people who came together for these mea…

The Maligned Potato: Respect At Last?

Ah, the poor, maligned potato! Beaten up by dieters (especially the low-carb variety), nutritionists and other experts as being “ok in moderation”, the potato may at long last be gaining some respect in the scientific community.

From an article in Science Daily (“Transgenic Potato Confers Immunity: Vegetables Or Fruit Could Replace Vaccine And Needles”), we find that the potato could be used to help keep us health.

We quote from the article:

“Transgenic potatoes eng…

Quick And Easy Way To Figure Out If It Is Junk Food

This article was written to answer many of the most frequently asked questions on this topic. I hope you find information helpful. Unless we really love cooking or plan and prepare ahead with our meals, we can fall victim to the easy way out – fast food or junk food.

Here is a story; could it be you? The weekend is here and you think you now have a couple of days to relax. Saturday morning – you make the coffee to start the day and then you’re off shopping. You get back ju…

Produce: The Roots of Good Health

We often skimp on eating root vegetables, either because they seem boring or we don’t know how to best prepare them. Here’s an overview that will inspire you to reach for the roots in the produce section of your grocery store.

Mercury Content Of Fish

We all know that adding fish to our diets can help increase our body’s ability to repair itself, as well as its ability to burn body fat and keep our energy up, but it’s important to choose fish that’s also going to improve your health as opposed to silently poisoning you…

Being exposed to too much mercury can cause memory loss, tremors, neurological difficulties, advanced aging, decreased immune functions, and death.

But how is all this mercury getting into our body?