Achieve Political Success Through A Promotional Product Political Campaign
All political candidates may not agree on political, societal or economic issues, but it is safe to infer political candidates agree that a successful political campaign builds public support and success.
Political campaigns, similar to marketing campaigns, must use effective and useful slogans in order to grasp a typically uninterested audience. In order to do so, political candidates need to get up and work for support. How can Barack Obama or Rudy Giuliani accomplish th…
Casting The Role Of An American President — ‘all Business Is Show Business!
So, I’m channel surfing in my New York City hotel room, organizing the junk I lugged from a conference to my hotel room floor, junk I’m about to pay an exorbitant surcharge to lug over the border and then throw out once I get home. No point in channel surfing,’cause there’s only one thing on, presidential hopefuls strutting their stuff.
Even with the volume turned off it didn’t take me long to size ’em up.
Disclaimer. I have no business writing an article about American…
Barack Obama Will Become U. S. President
Notwithstanding the fact that so far neither Senator Hillary Clinton nor Senator Barack Obama could proclaim the victory of the presidential primaries after the Super Tuesday, Best-Relationship-Advice is, however, prepared to make a bold and definitive advice…
Beware The Danger Of Keeping Candidate Faith On The Down-Low
Insight into why declaration of candidate faith in the next Presidential election is not optional, but essential.