How to Succeed and Stay on Task with Your Internet Marketing Promotion Strategies. A.C.T.I.O.N.
Working from home can get stressful. With all the distractions presented to you each day, you need an effective way to stay focused. When working online, it is difficult to always stay on task and not get sidetracked.
The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t can be summed up by one simple word. A.C.T.I.O.N. Use this acronym to motivate yourself to stay on task and not get sidetracked.
3 Reasons You Should Attend Seminars
If you have never gone to an online marketing seminar, you’re missing out.
I know what you’re thinking…
“Seminars are expensive.”
That’s true. They are. Some of ’em cost over $5,000. Even the lower-priced parties are around $2,000.
“It’s a pain in the butt to attend.”
Again, that’s fair. In order to go, you have to get on a plane and fly somewhere. And you have to take time from your work and family to do it.
But, there are at least 3 reasons that attendin…
3 Tips To Building A Responsive List
I just bought a product after being on a list for over two years. I hadn’t spent one red cent with this guy for two years, but like clockwork, his e-mails just kept coming.
Day after day after day. Week after week.
I finally gave in and purchased his product recently (it’s in a field WAY outside marketing).
Why did I stay on his list for so long? And why did I finally pony up the cashola for his product?
It’s because he had taught me to respond. Just like he taugh…
Backend Profit Secrets And Viral Marketing
Once you truly understand the power of backend profits, you’ll explode your marketing results and create an unstoppable viral machine.
The techniques I will reveal to you have often been taught in many marketing courses and articles…but they are still underutilized because of two words – “tunnel vision.”
Backend profits means the additional income that you earn from a customer. The first purchase from a customer is the front end profits while the second purchase and so …
Forgotten Marketing – Who Is The Customer?
I have witnessed a couple of discussions recently, amongst “internet marketers”, that made me recall the real world of offline marketing and how it relates to the world of the internet as it presently stands. Both discussions revolved around Google, which is not unusual; and both led me to believe that many online money seekers, who regard themselves as internet marketers, are a long way from understanding what marketing really is.
As is often the case, there were those wh…
Forums – The Business Gold Mine?
If you visit forums frequently, you can use them to promote your business without worrying about spamming. This doesn’t mean that you go there solely with the intention of promoting your business. However, if you’re subtle in your approach, there are a few things that you can do that may land you some new customers. This can be one of the simplest ways to draw business to your website without much effort, as your just engaging in normal everyday conversations.
Have you got the online X factor? Does your website have buzz?
I’m not talking about the bees here; I’m talking about excitement, magnetism and energy.
With zillions of websites out there all competing for attention, if your website doesn’t have buzz your visitors will drop in and, within seconds, drop out again and surf off elsewhere. Visitors only stop to read when the page really connects with them, makes them feel energised as well as informed.
How A Ghost With A Blue Ball Can Boost Online Marketing
What does online marketing have to do with a ghost? Plenty. Read this and you will see why. The memory still unsettles me whenever I think back to that night.
The experience taught me that to write about a product, you have to see it at work. You will see how this can help you, also. But first, here is what happened that night.
It was November – almost 3 years ago. My friend and client, Guido, asked me to write a sales letter and a couple of ads for him. He ran a ghost …
How To Dominate A Niche With Little Marketing Knowledge
To make tons of money online, keeping things simple is the best approach. I see many people buying this product and that product to learn the latest tips and techniques etc.
If you focus on the simple things that have worked for others, you’ll make a killing in just about any market.
Here are just some of the things you can do to be successful in just about any market.
1.) Capture leads
2.) Learn your target market
3.) Pump money back into your business
Any pers…
How To Use Sponsor Ads To Increase Website Traffic
How many times have you surfed the Internet and noticed that most e-zines and websites have advertisements posted all around its pages? Flashing ads that are popping up and blocking your view are often hard to get rid of. Even some search engines and directories carry sponsor ads. Sometimes those sponsor ads can get in the way, but sometimes the ad appears too tempting not to check. If it was not for those sponsor ads, you might not have realized a specific business or websit…