Reaching Local Customers With Online Sales

**Can you sell your product online?**

If you are already in business and you are thinking of promoting your products or services online, one of the first questions you have to ask yourself is “Do I have a product I can sell online?” This question is at the very heart of the decision whether or not to try online marketing.

Most of the problems with products are the result of delivery issues. Either your product must be delivered within a narrow time frame (like pizzas an…

Comparison Sites Attributing To A Higher Level Of Online Sales

What is the attraction and value of these for users and what are retailers and service providers finding them a useful tool as they strive for online sales?

The online retail sector for products and services has been buoyant for a number of years and the level of resource and funding that major retailers dedicate to the online market surges with each turn of the calendar. As the online marketplace has developed, the consumer offerings have become increasingly sophisticated…

Sell Services Online

Want to sell services on the Internet – it’s easy when you know how and David Carter, a highly successful UK Internet Marketer, writer and entrepreneur shows you just how easy it can be to sell professional services online.

7 Secrets To Building Your Online Credibility

In a way, the Internet may be compared to the Wild Wild West. (Where do you think the acronym ‘WWW’ came from?) There is no real central authority that is in charge and many scam artists take full advantage of this. Especially as a small business owner with no large company name behind yours, building credibility in the prospect’s mind becomes crucial.

Here are seven ways to build your online credibility.

1. You may find it beneficial to place your picture (even a smugs…

Buying A New Computer

Purchasing a home computer can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences if you don’t do your homework first. Since most of us are non-technical, wading through all of the specifications and deciding what is right can be overwhelming.

While price is important, there are many other factors that should be considered when purchasing a computer. Doing research before entering your local office supply or computer store will help you from spending more than you wanted to and…