Is Opportunity Knocking At Your Door Right Now?
Bill Gates is quoted as saying “there has never been a time like the present, with so many opportunities”. It’s almost like the California gold rush, only its so much bigger, because of the global reach of the Internet and other global technologies. The possibilities are endless.
Everybody is “looking” for opportunities, but very see it and even fewer exploit it. There’s the now famous story of the two men who visited India together. Upon their arrival in India one of the …
Seize the Opportunity and Master Your Life
Who have you hired to be in charge of your own life? You… or everyone else? A successful life doesn’t just happen. It requires you to invest in yourself.
How High Is Your Bar?
When faced with something well within your comfort zone, how do you respond? Do you do enough to get by, or do you turn it up a notch to do more than expected?
Prepare for Opportunity
There seems to be a universal law that always seems to send opportunity to those who are moving forward. You will be amazed when that opportunity comes along that your unique collection of talents and abilities fits perfectly.
Abundance Flourishes In An Atmosphere Of Integrity
There’s no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either IN INTEGRITY, or you are OUT of INTEGRITY.
Sarah Meets Wayne Gretzky – And A Lifelong Dream Is Fulfilled
A true story about how the Law of Attraction brought the Hero of a ‘special’ girl to the same city she lives in.
You Have To Resist To Not Receive What You Ask For
Ask and you shall receive describes the Law of Attraction in a nutshell.
Get Lucky
Want to get lucky? There are many ways to generate good luck in your life. Here is one of the better ones.
Good Luck
Good luck isn’t something people are born with. Anyone can learn the secrets of how to have more luck.
Prepare For Opportunity – From Galley Slave To Multi-Millionaire
In the epic classic book and movie, Ben-Hur, the main character, Judah Ben-Hur, through an accident and tragic misunderstanding is arrested and sold to work in the mines by the Roman authorities. Despite going from the son of a wealthy family to slave, Ben-Hur refused to fall into despair. He exercised and built his strength up. When he was ready he inched his way up the mineshaft and made it to the top. Unfortunately, he was easily captured because he was blinded by the sunl…