Carbon Trading – What’s All That About?

There is an emissions trading scheme in operation internationally but many people aren’t aware that this is perceived to be the cornerstone of the climate change policy in the EU and USA.

Firms are set quotas on how much carbon dioxide they can produce per year, if they produce more than this allowance, then they buy an allowance from another firm that has not reached it’s quota on how much it can produce in one year! Get it?

Emissions Trading is particularly suited to …

Organic Tea, Exactly What is Organic

The word “organic” seems simple enough but can be confusing for consumers. Here is an inside look at the standards and laws governing this important group of products, particularly tea.

Local or Organic? A False Choice

Think about what you’re buying. If you want local food, buy local. If you want organic, buy organic. The point is to make a conscious choice, because as we insert our values into the market, businesses respond and things change.

How Do We Make The Perfect Coffee

Drive down just about any street in the United States and you will spot people holding coffee cups walking into their place of employment or just on a lazy morning stroll. With specialty coffee shops strategically tucked in our business districts, one would think coffee has always been in the United States, but this ever growing trend is not an original American idea.

It is believed that the first coffee trees were found in Ethiopia. Several urban legends surround the disc…

Healthy Chocolate is NOT an Oxymoron!

There is a large body of scientific evidence that supports the notion that the right chocolate is not only harmless, but that it can actually contribute to health and longevity.

Certified Organic vs Fair Trade Certified

The title of this article is disturbing. The concepts of Organic and Fair Trade are very important to building (rebuilding) a sustainable society. The good news is that the certifications are not mutually exclusive and actually complement each other nicely.

First, a word about certification. In our current market, third party certification is essential to both organic and fair trade. As the market for both fair trade and organic grows many businesses would rather change th…

5 Ways to Save Money On Organic Food

There is great debate at the moment on whether it is worthwhile purchasing organic food as it is usually much more expensive than conventional food.

The advantages of organic food are well documented, however in my eyes it really comes down to one issue, do you and your children really want to eat pesticides with your food?

Assuming your answer is no and you want to go down the organic food route, then how do you go about keeping the cost down?