2 Steps To Stay On Track

Are your goals set? Are you all geared up to get started on them? Have you established some ways to support your goals? What will ensure that you actually stay on your desired path?

It is easy to get off path. It is easy to get all wrapped in stuff in everyday life. You know what I mean? I know, I have been off track with my goals. When you do set goals and establish ways to get where you want to go, how do you stay on track?

When you have clear goals that you want to…

All In A Days Work In 2 Easy Steps

Is your list of tasks and projects getting bigger by the day? It seems that your day is out of control. You know what I mean? The phone is ringing off the hook. Your emails are piling up. Your desk is becoming a mess. Papers are stacking up. You go from task to task. You are eating lunch at your desk again. You stop and think why are some people so organized in their life.

They have it “controlled”. What do they do so different? How do people get organized?Organization is …

Clear the Clutter – How to boost your productivity at your desk

Do you spend a lot of time at your desk? Is your desk covered in paper and files? Whether you are a home based business or work in a corporate office, many of us spend time working at our desks. If you want to boost your productivity consider implementing some of these desk management strategies today.

Paper Or Plastic? What’s Your Time Management Style?

When grocery shopping, you have the choice of paper or plastic grocery bags. Paper used to be the most common. Now plastic has taken its place. Most people use plastic because that is what is offered. However, you can still get paper and some people prefer that option. Then there are the few who bring their own environmentally-friendly cloth bags to the grocery store every week.

What does this have to do with time management? Really… nothing… except the analogy that ev…

Success– The Key and the Fire

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction…

Organize Files – Both Paper And Computer

What do you need to work on more right now? Paper files in real-space, or computer files?Organize Files in the way that I explain here and you’ll be in much better shape very soon.

Strategies For Overcoming Procrastination

When we decide to make changes in our lives, one of the biggest obstacles we might need to overcome is procrastination. We want to change (don’t we?), yet we keep putting off the very steps that will create the desired results. At times we might feel like a crazy person, starting and stopping, starting and stopping. Why can’t we just get it together once and for all?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple unless we develop an iron will. In the meantime, we might need to come …

Communication In Six Sigma

Deploying Six Sigma means entering a period of significant change in your organization. Productivity and morale almost always suffers in times of great change. The requirements of change and adaptation and the very human fear of the unknown add to stresses of the work environment. In these times, communication becomes more important than ever.

Communication throughout a Six Sigma project is very important because the power and scope of Six Sigma demands a significant commi…

Company Politics And Six Sigma

No grouping of human beings is without some amount of politics. Managing deployment of Six Sigma in your organization will unavoidably run into some personal issues and conflict. However, with deft handling of the personal and political issues that come up, along with patience and perseverance, your Six Sigma deployment will not get derailed.

Political factors that can affect a Six Sigma project include personal resistance to change, inflexible company policies, and incomp…