The Alcoholic Anonymous Groups

The alcoholic anonymous groups are out there to help people that realize that they have a problem with the drinking that they are doing.

Getting Help From the Alcoholic Anonymous Group

There are many reasons and many different kinds of people that join the alcoholic anonymous groups in their area. There are some that only go to meeting because they were told to and there are many that go to all the meeting because they want to.

Avoiding Marketing Money Pits

Is your business bombarded by sales and other marketing professionals telling you that the products or services they are offering are in the best interest of effective and cost reducing methods to market your organization? Finding your way through the maze of offers, opportunities and avoiding potential money pits highlights the importance for all businesses regardless of size to have a strategic marketing plan that is implemented and followed.

Design For Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is the application of Six Sigma principles to the design of products and their manufacturing and support processes. Whereas Six Sigma by definition focuses on the production phase of a product, DFSS focuses on research, design, and development phases. DFSS combines many of the tools that are used to improve existing products or services and integrates the voice of the customer and simulation methods to predict new process and product performance.