Agoraphobia: Four Things I Had To Change Before Healing Could Begin.
I suffered with agoraphobia for more that twenty years. During that time I tried all sorts of treatments, some conventional, some not so, and nothing I did seemed to have any sort of positive effect upon my agoraphobia, panic disorder or anxiety disorder. In fact, some things made my condition worse, in some cases, much worse.
When my panic attacks started, back in 1985, I was left with a travel phobia but as the years passed, my safe-zone became increasingly smaller until…
Defining Agoraphobia: Discover The True Definition Of Agoraphobia From An Ex-sufferer’s Perspective
There are two things that are apparent when you start to seek a definition for agoraphobia and that is that, depending on where you look, there is more than just one definition. If we take a look in a dictionary, we will find that the interpretation given there is similar to the following: a disease which results in the sufferer being afraid of open or public spaces which, can result in the sufferer becoming housebound.
The second usual definition goes something like this…
How To Breathe Through Your Next Panic Attack
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from panic attacks, you will know that there are a wide variety of symptoms. All of them are distressing and can have a negative impact on how you live your life, maybe even causing you to be constantly worried about when your next panic attack will arrive.
By learning to control how you breathe, you can make a vast difference to your panic attacks and, given time and practice, you may even be able to stop them dead in their tracks.
How To Control Panic Attacks
If you suffer from anxiety you most likely know that learning how to control panic attacks is an important step in the recovery process. Many people; however, find that traditional prescription medications provide little relief and often leave them feeling groggy and completely unlike their normal self. The good news is that there are ways in which you can control panic attacks that do not require any prescription medications. Read on for more details to find out how.
How To Overcome Anxiety And Panic Attacks Permanently
The desire to overcome anxiety and panic attacks permanently is only natural considering the debilitating effects these issues can have on your life. It should be understood that while the process of overcoming these attacks does require time and dedication, it is possible to overcome anxiety and attacks permanently without the use of prescription medications. If you are interested in how to overcome these attacks once and for all, read on for more tips.
Understanding the …
Panic Attack: How I Eliminated Panic Attacks From My Life Forever
My first encounter with a panic attack came at the age of twenty-nine. From what I’ve learned from reading and by talking to other panic attack sufferers, this was later than usual. Most panic sufferers that I’ve spoken with or read about had their first panic attack either in their teens or early twenties.
Mine occurred whilst I was driving to see my parents one Friday evening in June 1985. Thinking back, aside from the usual panic attack symptoms, I think the most terrif…
Panic Attack Symptoms: A First-hand Account Of The Symptoms Experienced During A Panic Attack
I seriously feel that if you’ve never been unfortunate enough to have experienced a panic attack then, it would be very difficult, if not impossible to realise just how overwhelmingly frightening they really are. On the other hand, if you have been in the unfortunate position of experiencing one first hand, then I doubt that you could ever forget just how brutal they are.
So what are the most common panic attack symptoms? Well, first of all you must appreciate that when yo…
Panic Attack Treatment: Discover Some Of The Panic Attack Treatments Available.
Usually, the first person that most people would call if they were looking for a panic attack treatment would be their family doctor. I certainly did after encountering my first panic episode. However, back in the far distant days of 1985, much less was known about panic than is known today and there were far fewer medications available. Today, there are several for your physician to choose from and finding the right one for the individual usually comes down to a little trial…
Panic Disorder: What Is The True Meaning Of Panic Disorder?
Are panic disorder and panic attacks the same thing or are they two separate conditions? In other words, does someone who suffers from panic attacks automatically get labelled as having panic disorder? The short answer to that question is no. Someone who suffers from panic attacks doesn’t necessarily have panic disorder.
First of all, throughout the world, every year, many people experience panic attacks first-hand. In a lot of cases, these attacks are isolated incidents a…
The Cause Of Panic Attacks
Often panic attacks occur for no apparent reason. Their causes are shrouded in mystery. They can strike unexpectedly, suddenly, spontaneously.
That said, panic attacks tend to occur when your are under stress. They can also crop up when you are about to face a situation that you are afraid of, either consciously or unconsciously. That situation could be real or imagined. For instance, you may have a public speech to give and your mind might be working overtime on the (un)l…