Document Security – Not Just Paper Shredding

What is document security? Why is document security important to me? What are the best methods my company can use to enhance document security? Is it expensive to do? These are some of the questions you may have about document security.

In this article, I will explain more about document security and why it is important that your business implement some sort of policy or plan to improve the way your employees and you handle documents.

Almost every business has documents…

Document Shredding And Document Security: Protecting Your Vital Information

Document security and document shredding have never been more important before and are bound to impact our lives in a way that we just can’t imagine. If you see a proliferation of caro document shredding or Davison document shredding, or even curtis document shredding, you are witnessing the new wave of privacy protection.

Document shredding, document security and what they mean to us is symptomatic of the world we occupy. The times that we live in today are new, wonderfu…

Developing A Document Shredding Strategy For Your Business

A comprehensive document destruction policy is an important part of any business, small or large. Protecting customer and employee data is not only common sense, but is also legislated.
Here are a few tips and resources to make the process easier.

Choosing A Paper Eating Monster

These days, a paper shredder is practically a necessity for every household. Considering that around 1 million people are victims of identity theft every year and that it can take 300 hours or more to resolve a case, a decent paper shredder is probably a wise investment. Here are a few tips to picking out a paper-eating monster that will fit your needs.

Paper Shredders

As identity theft becomes a real problem in our society, paper shredders begin to fill a growing need in the community. Businesses and individuals both desire to safely and effectively destroy sensitive documents.

While individuals can rely on small paper shredders to effectively destroy credit card statements and bank paperwork, larger corporations need something more heavy duty.

Corporate paper shredders are often associated with hiding fraud or other illegal activiti…

Document Shredders And Their Features

Why should I get a document shredder? How much should I spend on a document shredder? What features are available and what is the best document shredder for my type of business? These are some of the questions I will answer for you in this article.

First, why should I have a document shredder for my business or for my own personal use? The answer is easy. Every day more crime relating to stolen or found documents is occurring. Fraud, Identity Theft, Corporate Espionage, Co…