Motivation as a Result of Feedback
Over the past seventy years motivation has been the topic of much research. From Maslow’s needs-hierarchy to Skinner’s reinforcement theory, the question has remained the same. “How do we as leaders create a feeling of interest, a reason for doing something or behaving in a certain way?”
How To Market Your Seminar to Your Local Market
Learn how to get started marketing seminars to promote your local professional business. This article is thrid in a series available on this website or from the author.
What To Say: How to Find Material To Fill Your Seminar or Small Business Management Course
Seminar marketing is one of the most productive and cost-effective ways to build your financial practice! Sponsored seminars are expected to grow 10 to 15% annually for the next decade. Sponsored seminar marketing provides you with a repeatable, systematic marketing process where you can leverage your knowledge.