A Startling Fact About The Dangers Of Labeling
Do you realize how often you are using labels on others and yourself. Do you realize how it holds you back and crushes your potiential and the potiential of learns. Learn what you are doing and how to stop it.
Controlled By Beliefs!
Have you ever had someone attacking you and you can’t figure out why?
It happens more than we realize. Quite often, an angry or even violent reaction from another person is due to a conflict or perceived threat stemming from his or her inner belief system. On a fundamental level, the information or action triggered fear for their survival.
Great Discovery Helps You Gain Energy
It is estimated that a whopping 70% of our energy comes from our emotional state of mind as apposed to the food we eat or the exercise that we do. Find out why.
The Hideous Poison of Anger
When asked what gets in the way of communication most often, anger comes up. Moreover, the anger is often related to a perception of a situation that may not even be accurate. That is why anger can be a poison that sucks you in