Dates Need Adequate Product Safety Labeling

Such consumer oriented labeling as “Warning: this date may be hazardous to your emotional health” or “Lifetime unconditional love guarantee” should be easily visible on all new dates. Unfortunately the only labeling you may find on your next date may be a patch of material that says “Polo” or “Dockers.” This, however, is insufficient data and fails to give even the slightest clue regarding:

* what they are made of,
* if exposed to hot water whether they will shrink or need one,…

The Perrfectionist Demon!

One of the worst habits you can have is to be a perfectionist. Most people do not even realize that being a perfectionist leads to the horrible habit of procrastination – putting off the things that you know need to be done.

The basis for procrastination is the fear that we will not do something properly so we decide not to start. If we don’t start then we cannot fail. We think in our heads that we must complete a project but are afraid it will not be done correctly leadin…