The Mirror of Relationships

Relationships are fertile ground for learning about our selves. Discover what you can learn about yourself when you are being judged or rejected by another.

6 Dimensions Of Thinking, 1 Steering Wheel For Success

Thought leads to belief, and belief leads to attitudes. Attitudes influence while beliefs inform actions, and ultimately actions become habits which shape character that then forges destiny. This is the growth path that is taken by that powerful entity known as Thought.

But what is a Thought, anyway? Are thoughts things? What constitutes a Thought? What cannot be considered a Thought?

For a thing that occurs about 50,000 times a day in an average person’s brain, I have …

6 Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Eye Contact Skills

Is your eye contact aggressive, is it soft, is it inviting, do you love with your eyes? Eye contact is a very tricky art to master but vital to effective communication. How can you make it better?

Eye contact provides social information to the person you are listening to and talking to. Too much eye contact and you could be seen as aggressive, too little eye contact and you can be seen as having no interest in the person speaking. It is an often overlooked skill to have an…

10 Reasons To Under Achieve – Part 2 – Reasons 6-10

Reason to Under Achieve No. 6 – Lack of Support from a Mastermind Alliance

When you set big goals for yourself you need support to help you achieve them. As I mentioned earlier you will have the nay sayers lining up to tell you why something won’t work, but what you need is positive, affirming support.

Mastermind Groups or Mastermind Alliances as they are sometimes known is one of the best ways. This group will be a network of people who see more in you than you see in …

Addiction To Numbness

Linda sat opposite me at one of my five-day Inner Bonding Intensives. She had decided to attend the Intensive because her depression, which had plagued her for years, was not being helped by medication or by the numerous forms of therapy that she had tried.

As she sat opposite me, telling me about her past and her depression, I felt like I was sitting with a person who had stuffed herself into a box and closed the door. There was a sense of emptiness and numbness that ema…

Addiction To Venting

“I was up too late with my friend Peg last night,” Abigail told me in our phone session. “She was needing to vent. Then I had a problem falling asleep, but at least I was there for her.”

“How often does this happen?” I asked her.

“Oh, fairly often. At least every couple of weeks.”

“Why do you continue to listen to her?”

“Isn’t that what a good friend does?”

“How do you feel when you listen to her?”

“Kind of stressed.”

“Do you see it helping her to vent to…

Alcohol And Honesty

Irene, in her late 40s, had been in an out of treatment centers for years before consulting with me. When in treatment, she was fine, with no desire to drink, but once she returned home with her husband, Frank, and two adolescent children, it didn’t take long before she was back to drinking. Even though she faithfully attended AA meetings, she could not stay sober once she returned home. She loved her husband and children and could not understand why she could not stay sober …

Alcoholism And Healing

Jeffrey showed up at one of my 5-Day Inner Bonding Intensives to deal with his alcoholism and resulting relationship problems. His past two marriages had ended in messy divorces. His business was falling apart. Yet in the face of all of this, Jeffrey could not or would not stop drinking.

Two things were immediately apparent in my first session with Jeffrey. First, he had completely abandoned himself, making others responsible for his self-worth. Due to his unwillingness to…

Anxiety: A Lack Of Reality

Brent started to work with me after his wife, Carla, suddenly decided to leave the marriage. They had been married five years and Brent thought everything was fine. Then Brent became ill and Carla withdrew. And then she was gone.

Brent was devastated. He loved Carla and wanted her back. However, he soon learned that she had not been honest with him, even from the beginning of their relationship. He learned that she had been more interested in his money than in him. She was…

Are We Too Busy Staying Alive To Truly Enjoy Living?

You’ve got to go for your goals, be the best that you can be, live your dreams, follow your heart, and somewhere in between all of that you have to live your life, pay your bills, look after your children and build your relationships – is it any wonder that attempting to go for our goals ends up low down on our list of “things to do”

Are we too busy staying alive to truly enjoy living?

When the decision is made to look into changing your old programming it is not only m…