Increasing Awareness To Achieve Personal Goals And Objectives – 1

One of the problems of the modern Western way of life is what many describe as the “pace” of life. Personally, I think that “pace” is a misnomer in most cases. Very few people actually have a fast pace of life. For maybe a few top politicians, business men and celebrities, a fast pace of life may be a reality. For millions of ordinary people, though, it is not so much pace as a repetitive daily grind.

The daily grind of getting up early, travelling to work, spending all da…

Increasing Awareness To Achieve Personal Goals And Objectives – 2

As you become more self aware, or are already self aware enough, you can take advantage of that in setting your own personal goals and objectives. The self aware have a strong communication with their subconscious, which gives them an invaluable tool in setting and achieving goals and objectives.

Presenting an objective to your subconscious as a fait accomplis will pave the way to that objective being met. Do so often enough, and from as many angles as possible, will just …

Setting Personal Objectives For The New Year

The end of one year and the start of another brings with it the opportunity and inspiration, for many, to consider their personal situation and plan for the year ahead. We all hope that we will end the New Year better off in our personal lives than we start it. By “better off” we may mean financially, in terms of happiness and relationships, in our careers and lifestyles; in fact, in any aspect of our lives.

If we start the year with a positive intent on improving our live…