Take Action Developing Your Personal Power In As Little As 30 Days With These 15 Proven Steps!
What makes some people so energetic and admired that they become a magnet in attracting others to them. You know, the kind of person you enjoy being in their company. It has little to do with good looks, being abundantly wealthy, owning an expensive car, or wearing the latest fashion statement.
It has everything to do with how you think, react, interact, and manage your time effectively. Take action daily with these 15 proven steps in 30 days to become a commanding presence.
Finding Your Voice
What are the parallels between finding your literal voice and finding your personal voice – the voice that links you to your purpose, power, and work in the world? Read on …
Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time
We’re so busy trying to get it all done — and trying to get it all done right — that we sometimes miss life in our hurry to get to the goal.
Your Mediocre Mind
Do you falsely identify yourself with the trappings of your mind and all of its mental activity? Here is an insight that will challenge that perspective, offering more freedom in your life.
The Dance of Life
Life’s ups and downs gotcha confused? Saying “No” when you really want to say YES!? Has life dried up and become stale? Did you stop dancing? Take a peek and rediscover a part of yourself lost in your mind.
Personal Power
All of us would love to have personal power – the power to manifest our dreams, the power to remain calm and loving in the face of fear, the power to stay centered in ourselves in the face of attack.
Our society often confuses personal power – “power within” – with “power over,” which is about controlling others. There is a vast difference between personal power and control.
To Know is To Not Know
Setting aside judgement sets aside what you believe you already know. Doing this creates room for new possibilities, wisdom, experience, and benefits to occur. Take a closer look.
A Place of Sanctuary – Creating Sacred Space
Creating sacred space and providing a place of sanctuary in the home, workplace, and garden is the focus of this article. Questions to consider and ideas and options to create a ‘garden for the soul’ are outlined.
Energy Crisis
The current “worldly” energy crisis and how it mirrors our personal energy.
Thank You Very Much – Turning Problems Into Gifts
I am a martial artist and black belt in aikido, a practice that continues to teach me about life, both on and off the mat. For example, at the end of each aikido practice, I express gratitude to my partners by bowing and saying: “Thank you very much.” I’ve found over the years that sometimes I have obvious reasons to say thank you – working with that person was exhilarating and fun. However, sometimes the reasons are not so obvious – my partner was stiff, rough, unconscious, or generally difficult to work with.