An Introduction To Anonymous Surfing

Privacy is a right most people practice everyday. It’s why bathrooms have doors and locks, cubicles at the library are constructed to block out the glances of other patrons, voting laws that allow you to cast a ballot anonymously exist, and commuters don’t sit on your lap in the subway (unless it’s really crowded, of course!) So it’s no surprise that people expect a certain amount of privacy when surfing the Internet. In fact, many people think their online activities are ent…

What do you need to know about consumer awareness

Are you an individual, a common man who toils day and night, up and down to earn three meals a day? If yes, then do you at times come home depressed with a look of betrayal on your face? There can be reasons like someone withdrew cash from your credit card

Protect Your Online Accounts from Phishing Scams

Phishing involves the sending of an e-mail falsely claiming to be from an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security number, and bank account numbers.

Phishing with a Net

Being hacked or being cracked makes little difference to those on the receiving end. Understandably, their first impulses are to get mad and want to vent. The Cyberiter’s contention is that, most of the time, they’re lashing out in the wrong direction. After all, crooks are crooks; that’s their job. Prevention is your job, so know the fundamentals of diligence.

How to Protect Yourself While Internet Banking

There is no doubt about the fact that identity theft is on the increase. More and more people are losing their identities and money each year due to the efforts of a select few individuals who know how to use the Internet to their advantage.

Fraud. Beware Of The Fraudsters

According to Which, the consumer watchdog, about 5 million of us have been targeted by fraudsters and have lost money as a result. Fraudsters are clearly finding rich pickings!

So what are the most widespread scams and how do you steer clear of them? Here are six scams to be aware of.

You’ve won a lottery prize

Here you receive a letter, or e-mail telling you that you’ve won a big prize on some lottery you’ve never heard of. All you have to do is pay an administra…