Phobia Cure For Comic Relief

In case you didn’t know already, Red Nose Day is Friday 16th March 2007. In an exclusive charitable event, People Building training providers of Hypnotherapy and NLP throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and London are going to be performing an event for the general public.

As far as we are aware, it is a first in comic relief history and they are going to be working for free to rid the nation of it’s phobias. Please bear in mind that as individuals, thes…

Phobia: What Is A Phobia?

Phobia is a derivative of the Greek word “phobos”, meaning fear. It does seem however, to have two different definitions. Here are a couple of examples: a) an extremely intense and overwhelming sense of fear with regard to a specific stimulus or b) an intense dislike or hatred of something.

Here are a couple of examples: Arachnophobia is an intense fear of spiders. I know a few people that have this particular phobia and I find it quite disturbing to watch just how they re…

Phobias – Their Causes And How You Can Overcome Them With Hypnotherapy

A phobia can be defined as an illogical fear or dread. When a person experiences a panic attack, they get panicky feelings; their breathing and heart rates increase; they may experience feeling choked up like their heart is in their throat; their palms often get sweaty; they may experience a ringing in their ears; and they often find that they are unable to take part in an activity. These feelings motivate the individual to try to avoid th…

Stress – Some Ways Not To Deal With It

There are any number stress management techniques and for coping with stress in general and dealing with both the physical and emotional causes for stress. There are techniques for both short-term symptoms of stress and even long-term or chronic symptoms of stress are possible.

There are also a certain amount of self employed techniques that are actually or can be counter productive in the quest for a cure. The following are some of the more typical errors.

In an attemp…

To Stress Or Not To Stress

To most people ‘stress’ brings to conjures up unpleasant feelings. However, many of those in the field of psychology are of the opinion that stress is something that can have positive effects.

Why the disconnect?

Essentially the answers lie in how each individual person evaluates their own mental and physical well being.

Perhaps some examples could help to make bring this point home.

For instance, assume two people, one a championship caliber athlete or performer,…

Commitment Phobia

Learn to live your life without the pressures of fear, anxiety or phobia. Uncover articles and information that will help your conquer your fears and phobias for good. Whether you have a phobia or know someone close to you that maybe anxious or fearful then this article is sure to be of interest to you.

Fear Of Flying (Aviophobia)

Learn to live your life without the pressures of fear, anxiety or phobia. Uncover articles and information that will help your conquer your fears and phobias for good. Whether you have a phobia or know someone close to you that maybe anxious or fearful then this article is sure to be of interest to you.

My Phobia For Travelling By Air

This article is all about the fear of flying in aeroplanes. If you have this fear or phobia, you are not alone. I myself do not exactly enjoy the experience and it was not until I was eighteen years of age that I managed to pluck up enough courage to travel by air. I hope you enjoy the read.

Social phobia/social anxiety disorder

Learn to live your life without the pressures of fear, anxiety or phobia. Uncover articles and information that will help your conquer your fears and phobias for good. Whether you have a phobia or know someone close to you that maybe anxious or fearful then this article is sure to be of interest to you.

Phobia Of Speech

This article is about the fear and phobia of speech. Not everybody is able to talk fluently in all situations and for people who aren’t, life can be quite tough. I hope you enjoy reading the article.