How Motivational Speakers Aid In Self Improvement

We all get to the point in life where it seems like something is missing, something small that could help you get to the point in your life where you could attain true happiness, whether it be in the area of work, family, relationships, or anything else.

Motivational speakers are people who are professionally trained to address an audience with a specific purpose in mind, and that is to provide motivation for various circumstances that occur during the natural course of li…

Life After Depression With Hypno-Psychotherapy

Depression is a debilitating human condition and a common cause of suffering worldwide. This elicits a sense of urgency for mental health professionals to meet this challenge of the treatment of depression.

In 1999, The World Health Organisation (WHO), issued a proclamation regarding the prevalence of depression. Depression is currently the world’s fourth most debilitating human condition, after heart disease, cancer and traffic accidents. The WHO predicted that by the yea…

Phobias – Their Causes And How You Can Overcome Them With Hypnotherapy

A phobia can be defined as an illogical fear or dread. When a person experiences a panic attack, they get panicky feelings; their breathing and heart rates increase; they may experience feeling choked up like their heart is in their throat; their palms often get sweaty; they may experience a ringing in their ears; and they often find that they are unable to take part in an activity. These feelings motivate the individual to try to avoid th…


Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile!

Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we have a choice about how we feel. Most often, we are caught up in the events of the moment, and forget we have that choice. Whenever we remember, however, we can shift gears with a simple …

The Legendary Fast Phobia Cure

A man with a spider phobia walks into a room. His phobia means that he can’t even look at a picture of something that looks like a spider without having a panic attack. So he unconsciously scans the room for spiders as he sits down in a comfortable chair opposite a therapist. Twenty minutes later he is standing in the middle of the room with a spider on his hand and a smile of his face.

A remarkable therapist? Probably not. A fluke? No: this kind of thing happens all the t…

The Science Of Phobias

Here’s how phobias work.

There are two parts to your mind – one that thinks, and one that feels.

The thinking part is the conscious, rational mind that you are using now as you read this.

The feeling part is the unconscious, emotional mind. It takes care of automatic tasks like regulating the heart, controlling pain and managing our instincts.

It’s the unconscious mind that is programmed to act instinctively in times of danger. It reacts very fast – making you run…

Using Hypnosis To Cure Phobias

The big question is “Can hypnosis cure phobias?”.

When the hypnotist you are asking answers with a resounding “yes”, the next thought is usually along the lines of “yeah, right”.

But you’d be amazed at the high success rate that hypnosis has with phobias.

Top athletes regularly use hypnosis in all areas of their career. One of these areas that they may not be quite as public about is a fear of flying. After all, how can something as common place as flying be somethin…

Where Did My Old World Go?

You’ve just bought a new car. It’s the latest model; it has the whiz-bang features that will definitely single you out from the merely mortal driving rank and file. You know you paid a bit (maybe a lot) too much, but with this car you make a unique and powerful statement to all others on the road. This car is as different from the herd as you are! Yet, as you drive this rare sparkling beauty home from the lot you suddenly notice the roadways dotted with several other nearly i…

Will You Be A Kirk, Crunch, Or Kangaroo?

Have you ever noticed that life frequently serves, usually when we are least prepared, opportunities to make life-altering choices. Do I stay at this dead –end, but secure job, or take a chance with a new risky opportunity? Do I step out into a new relationship, or cling to the comfort of mom and dad’s basement? Do I tenaciously adhere to speaking only truth, even if brutal, or do I take the easy road of a barely off-white but much more socially acceptable lie? Choices, big a…

Travel Phobia and Fear Of Driving

Learn to live your life without the pressures of fear, anxiety or phobia. Uncover articles and information that will help your conquer your fears and phobias for good. Whether you have a phobia or know someone close to you that maybe anxious or fearful then this article is sure to be of interest to you.