Maintainence of new equipment lengthens company investments

With any investment comes the importance of maintenance. As the CEO of a large company, I wanted to ensure the greatest length of use when installing my new company investment. After purchasing a multi-line digital phone system, I wanted my purchase to last for a lifetime. This would make the cost of the investment more sufficient to my future budgets.

Text Messaging: A Necessary Tool For Business And Personal Use

Text messaging, also identified as Short Messaging Service (SMS), is rising up as a trendy form of digital writing. It is rapidly becoming the favorite over e-mail in sending private messages from a computer or cellular phone. Teens along with the hearing impaired have embraced this electronic form of keeping in touch. Even schools are utilizing text messaging as an alternate form of emergency contact.

Rapidly Advancing in the Messaging World

Originally directed at busi…

Making Life Simple With Wireless Technology

Wireless fidelity , or WiFi, is an amazing technology that allows you to network your computers, office, home, etc. without the need for wires. This makes networking so much easier and less messy because wires are not used. The computers simply connect to the network via radio signals.

Because of this easiness, many businesses, schools, malls, restaurants, cafes, stores, airports and other businesses have set up wireless hot spots that allow anyone to log onto the network….

Dealing with Technical Support – 10 Useful Tips

Most people who work in an office environment, buy computer products, or have a computer at home have had the “fun” experience of dealing with technical support. It’s not always the easiest, or most pleasant, experience but hopefully this article will help you make the best of the situation the next time you call.

Bundles Gone Wild: Phone Companies Exposed

You’ve probably seen the ad on television, “phone TV DSL”, offered by SBC Global. Is it a good deal? Compared to services offered by traditional telephone service providers in the past, yes. Compared to what you could get by doing some research yourself, no.

While SBC advertises bundled telephone, DSL, and satellite TV service for around $75.00 a month, you knew there had to be a catch didn’t you? The catch being the advertised price is not the end price. You’ll also be bo…

Budgeting Through Elective Utilities

Telephone, Internet, and television service are all examples of elective utilities. These utilities, though many times necessary, are not essential to basic living standards in the United States like gas, electricity, and water. Elective utilities are no less important to a household budget.

When budgeting elective utilities, the trick is to find a company offering the same service or better for a lower rate. This may sound like a statement from Captain Obvious, but it is…