Allen Iverson History

Born on June 7, 1975, Allen Iverson is a graduate of Georgetown and currently plays a guard position for the Philadelphia 76ers. He stands 6′ tall and weighs 165 lbs. Following his high school years at Bethel High School in Hampton, Virginia, Allen Iverson was honored by having his jersey number retired during the school’s 1993 State Championship halftime ceremony.

Reading Trade Shows Report

Have you wondered how people work out the viability of major trade shows? How they calculate what is feasible and what is not? When it is feasible and when it is not? This is where Trade Show Reports enter the equation.

These reports are written by data analysts who forecast the future growth of the market. The information contained in the reports allows for the individualized planning of trade shows that anticipate the needs of invitees.

What information belongs in a T…

Types Of Catalog

There are many types of business that can benefit by producing a catalog. Many people are not aware of the benefits of designing some type of catalog for their business and ignore this great way to bring in more business. Almost any company can benefit from designing a catalog.

In this article I will go over some of the different types of catalogs your business can design. Some types of catalog will not apply to your business, but keep reading and think about your business…

Types Of Paper In Catalog Printing

There are many things that are important to catalog design. Your images must be sharp and appealing. Your text and even the font you use for the text is important. The cover page design and the design of your catalog’s product pages all play important roles in designing a catalog that will bring in new customers and sales.

However none of the things mentioned above are more important than the type of paper you will choose to print your catalog on. The “feel” of your catalo…

Ways To Distribute Your Catalogs To Your Targeted Customers

Ok, you have done everything you need to do to produce a quality catalog and they have been printed. How do you get them into your customer’s hands? In this article we will talk about catalog distribution.

If you are going to distribute your catalog in the most common method, by mail, then you will need a mailing list. Maybe you already have a list of customers you are mailing the catalog to or maybe you need to purchase a mailing list that targets a specific demographic o…

The Advantage Of Having Well Designed Catalog For You Products

So you are all set. You have the products you want to sell. You have the target audience you wish to sell to. You have your mailing list. And you know you want to create a catalog to send to everyone on your list. Now all you have to do is go to the printer and tell them you need to put a catalog together, right?

Whoa! Not so fast. There are a lot of things to consider when putting together your catalog. The mailing list, gathering the products together, and everything els…

Rules On Good Catalog Design

Maybe you own a store or maybe you work out of your home and have great products to offer your customers. Getting the word out about your store or products locally is essential to your business, but what about people who are not local? Are you missing out on the opportunity to sell to people who do not live close to you?

A website is of course one option, but one of the basic rules of sales is that you need to get the product into the customer’s hands? How do you do that i…

Printing Glossary And Terminology

The following is by no means all of the terms that you may come across when dealing with your printer. What we wanted to do here is provide you with many of the most common terms so you can understand the catalog printing process better. Many of these terms are ones that you will not have to deal with at all as most catalog printers offer full service.

Bleeds: This is where your design calls for the ink to go all the way to an edge of the page. To determine the number of b…

How To Protect Your Papers With Film Laminating

Certainly, the concept behind film lamination is easily understood. It simply boils down to taking the extra steps that are necessary to preserve documents in order to increase their life expectancy as the years roll on by applying a thin, clear plastic covering. While many establishments exist that offer professional laminating services, there are those who prefer to buy the necessary tools that will allow them to apply this protective coating themselves, in order to save on…

Commercial Printing Methods

What are my choices for printing my catalog? What are the different types of catalog printing and which ones are the best for my catalog? In this article I will go over several types of catalog printing to help you answer those questions.

Let’s start with the different types of presses that are used for printing catalogs.

Web Press: This is the most commonly used type of press for printing catalogs. It uses a roll of paper to make the catalog printing process faster. Th…