Pope John Paul II And Pope Benedict XVI: Their Charts And Their Apologies

Not surprisingly, both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have their Venuses in Taurus, making them warm and affectionate. They are able to make commitments and long-lasting attachments, such as working for the Church well past their second Saturn Returns. They are also prone to enjoy beauty, luxury and comfort in their surroundings.

Most of the Popes, including these two, have a lot of Venus and Taurus, Libra influences in their charts, which is generally thought to …

What Does It Mean — Saturn Return

You’ve heard about Saturn Return. What is it exactly? It’s a time to prepare for, that’s for sure. Saturn returns every 29.5 years, so this will happen to you between the ages of 28 and 30, again at 58-60, and again at 88-90.

It’s not often we get to see a third Saturn Return, but Picasso lived to have one. It is at this time that he invented neo-expressionism.

Got an idea now of what can happen?

Lt. Col. Thomas E. Lawrence, a British soldier, was sent to investigate…