Learn To Fail To “fail”!

We are all very good at making ourselves feel bad. We come by the habit honestly. Think back to learning to spell in grammar school. Our tests come back from the teacher with the errors marked with red checks. A quick review of our formative years probably shows much more attention was paid to our failures, and those times when we fell short of expectations, than to those times that we succeeded, or even excelled. Often, only the top achievers—the best athletes and the bright…

Live Like A Lover!

What if you could always see the world through the eyes of someone in love?

It is amazing how good we are at using our awesome brains to make ourselves feel bad! Ruminating over an embarrassing moment a week ago; beating ourselves up because we meant to say one thing, but actually said another; or just spending time worrying about the future are all extraordinarily poor uses of our magical thinking and feeling abilities.

What if, instead, we focused on answering the que…

There’s A New Sheriff Between Your Ears!

Deputy Dawg Days!

I recently had a client that wanted to change her ‘self-esteem’. Since I have never seen a ‘self-esteem’ I had to figure out exactly what she was talking about before I could determine whether or not we could change ‘it’. Self-esteem falls into the category of metaphysical beasties that are actually a collection of actions that we try to abbreviate into a thing in order to make ‘it’ easier to talk about. My test of true ‘thingness’ is whether or not th…