Help Is On The Way: Call In The Thought Police
We’re all grownups here, right? How hard can it be to be a functional adult? Then why do we struggle so? Depression and anxiety disorders are epidemic in our society. Stress-related health problems threaten the quality and span of our lives. Alcoholism and drug addiction touch many of our lives and to me reflect our attempts to find release or escape from pressure and our failure to thrive.
Are we even built to withstand the strain of our increasingly mechanized world? We…
Seek Opportunities In Everything That Comes Your Way
Q. What happens when we focus on the negative side of life instead of the positive? We miss out on seeing the breadth of opportunities that would otherwise enable us to develop and strengthen our lives.
The result? We end up journeying on a downward spiral, feeling that no matter what we do, we simply won’t win. The solution? To start seeing everything in our life as an opportunity for growth; every encounter, every incident, and even every challenge.
Q. Are You?
– …
Transform Negative “Reactions” Into Positive “Proactions”
Q. What happens when we let ourselves become dominated by negative responses to life, e.g. destructive behaviour patterns, negative emotions, apathy, etc? We find ourselves getting “worked up,” often to the detriment of our own wellbeing as well as to those around us.
The result? We risk becoming increasingly angry and bitter about aspects of our life that we believe we have little or no control over. The solution? To explore the reality behind these actions and emotions, …
Your Dominant Thoughts – How to Take Advantage of Them
Not only do we become what we think about, we do what we think about. Whether your thoughts are positive or negative your mind will act on them. If we are directed by our dominating thoughts, why not implant our minds with things that will benefit us? Learn how you can do this…