How to Raise the Muslim World from Poverty?

In the times of yesteryear when Prophet Muhammad banded together the followers of Islam into a single economic and political group people associated their livelihoods with their tribe. Purchasing, selling, earning money was predominately transacted through the ideology that the tribe must thrive and dominate. As Islam became more important it was evident that it superceded any consideration to the needs of other entities. Islam became the new standard of economic activity. As the borders of the Muslim world increased so did its economic strength. Eventually it was the most powerful entity on the Earth.

Online Gambling is the American Dream

Unless you are a Native American Indian your family immigrated to the United States in search of the American Dream, but what is the American Dream?

Online Gambling is the American Dream

Unless you are a Native American Indian your family immigrated to the United States in search of the American Dream, but what is the American Dream?