Does Our Personality Has Free Will?

In this article, I am describing a spiritual realisation. It can be difficult and uneasy to read. But I hope to challenge the Reader to question upon what is generally being accepted as true. The question for ponderance is: Does our personality has free will?

Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time

We’re so busy trying to get it all done — and trying to get it all done right — that we sometimes miss life in our hurry to get to the goal.


The Winner’s Walk is a key strategy in the sport of life/business. When you meet somebody new, your perception of the person and what you feel about them is based 93% on body language.

Thank You Very Much – Turning Problems Into Gifts

I am a martial artist and black belt in aikido, a practice that continues to teach me about life, both on and off the mat. For example, at the end of each aikido practice, I express gratitude to my partners by bowing and saying: “Thank you very much.” I’ve found over the years that sometimes I have obvious reasons to say thank you – working with that person was exhilarating and fun. However, sometimes the reasons are not so obvious – my partner was stiff, rough, unconscious, or generally difficult to work with.