What Stops You?

Have you ever had a terrific idea which you didn’t act on? Of course you have. I don’t mean anything fancy either. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a plain old-fashioned good idea which would have made you more money. But you didn’t get moving on it.

Oh well.

I have a friend I’ll call James. James is an independent management consultant and a deep, creative thinker. I have great respect for his abilities to understand his clients and develop unique solutions for them. But…

Branding Cures Several Marketing Headaches

Are you trying to attract business with a no-name, no-differences-from-competitors company identity? Branding your company, when done well, not only helps you stand out in a field of similar choices, it also helps you avoid price-shoppers and deliver results to customers that inspire loyalty. Here’s why.

Headache #1: Competitors all seem the same

Put yourself in the mindset of a customer and go shopping for a company that provides what you sell. Do all the options seem …

How To Price For Optimum Profit – 5 Steps

One of the greatest problems that businesses face is getting the pricing strategy right. This article explores the three key factors; all companies need to consider when getting this vital element on target. Missing only one of the three can have disastrous consequences.

How to use dynamic prices to increase sales

Dynamic Pricing Generator is a way to increase your sales effectively.

Using dynamic prices will surely boost and enhance your marketing sales and profits. Plus, there are new features that were added and included in the PRO version. In time, more and more features will continually be added to further satisfy your marketing needs and essentials. New features in the Pro version include the use of a PHP script which supports MySQL. The price you have to pay is not rounded to the nearest dollar. Instead, two decimal points are included.

What Is Marketing?

To too many people marketing equates to one of two things:

– Selling: with all that entails such as the dreaded double-glazing or financial salesman.
– Advertising: with all that entails such as the slick young creative and smarmy account person.

Of course marketing also encompasses these functions – though, hopefully not as in the stereotypes that are in so many minds – but marketing is about a great deal more than just selling or advertising.

Marketing is the wide…

Pricing For Profit

In most instances (but not all!) you will have limited scope to buy at a lower price. For this reason your selling price is the critical variable – how you set you selling price will have a long term affect on the health of your business.

Profitability – Pricing Strategies To Make Money

At a meeting the other day, a marketing consultant opened her talk by asking the group, “What are you worth?” She went on to discuss all the different ways we minimize our worth or discount our value in desperate attempts to close the sale. After all the pitfalls of pricing and selling were laid out, she closed the talk by asking again, “What are you worth?” The responses around the room were very entertaining as people began to realize or give themselves permission to adjust…

Will You Pass the Flinch Test?

There is a little test that professional buyers give to every sales person. It is a test to see if they are confident in the price they presented. They call it the flinch test. Will you pass the test?

The Beginning Is…The Business Plan

A business plan is crucial to business success. The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and comprise: objectives/goals and a detailed marketing plan to include the target market, the competition, online advertising, pricing, shipping/delivery and payment methods.