The New Art Magazine: Artists And Their Websites

With the number of slick art magazines on the stands today, it’s easy for your work to get washed away in the homogeneous art school world. It’s not easy to be truly original and yet still make your mark. With your own website to showcase your art, you don’t have to deal with the trendy cliques that make up both the ‘legitimate’ art world as well as the ‘underground’ art world.

Here are just a few things you can do with your art website through a reputable web host:

– S…

Print Numbering

Collectors often question us about print numbers – what they mean and how they relate to print values.

Print Numbering

Collectors often question us about print numbers – what they mean and how they relate to print values.

Oil On Canvas: Painting Conservation 101

Conservation is defined as remedial attention given to extend the life of a work of art. The process often reconstitutes missing material by additions. These additions may be either visible or invisible and serve to restore the work’s unity.

One of the most noticeable defects the public observes on a painted surface is craquelure. Craquelure appears as a minute crazing pattern on a painting’s surface. The following layers make up a painting:

1. Stretcher bars are cove…

Not Savvy Collecting

Original paintings by Renoir, Chagall, Picasso, Rembrandt and Mary Cassatt at a discount buying club??? Embarking more than 25 miles each way to experience possibly original prints by these artists, I figured the press release was probably only slightly errant. Almost no Rembrandt paintings in private hands are available for sale anywhere in the world, much less as part of a 3 day art trunk show at a discount buying club.

The named art dealer was from a seemingly swank So…

How To Start Your Own Art Collection On A Budget

It is amazing how the art world seems to have taken a hold of general society. Many more individuals are inclined to forgo reprints and posters and start collecting their own unique art pieces for their homes and offices.

Are you interested in starting your own collection of original art? If you do not have thousands of dollars to spend on famous original artwork then you may wish to consider some other ideas and sources for your art pieces.
One avenue to consider, espe…