I Want It Now!

Do you ever hear yourself thinking “I want it NOW”? When we decide that we really want something, the desire is so strong that often we want it NOW. We don’t want to have to wait for it. So we tell ourselves and we tell the universe, “Okay, I am ready. I want this now.” And then if it doesn’t happen immediately, we might say something like, “Where is it? I am ready. Why isn’t it here yet?”

The problem is that when we want something badly and we want it NOW, it is a good si…

Making Your Wishes Come True

Recently, a client came to me and told me, “I feel really discouraged. None of my wishes ever come true. No matter what I try, nothing ever comes of them. They’re just wishes and hopes that never come true. Help!” He told me he’s tired of the “Same Old-Same Old”, but doesn’t know how to turn his wishes into reality. That is the subject for this column. Here’s my advice to him:

See your desires as goals, not wishes. Wishes imply that you need the Good Fairy to wai…

Time is a Unique Resource

Time management is not about squeezing more into a day or eliminating distractions. It’s about managing activities to achieve goals. This article shows you how.

Time Management – Are You a Time user Or a Time Waster?

Good time management is a major building block to success. Oftentimes, it’s not how much time we spend working but how efficiently we do the work. The key to successful time management is careful planning and setting priorities.

When Things Don’t Appear To Be Flowing, Take A Second Look

On a recent trip to a conference, I sat next to a woman on the plane who had missed her last connecting flight due to some airline delays. As a result, Margaret was going to miss a bike tour of the Napa Wine Valley, which she had already paid for. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy about it, as she would not get her payment back, nor have the fun experience she was looking forward to since she had business meetings scheduled the following day. She had fretted about it a great …

So You Have Problems

Get all the facts.
Describe the problem in detail.
List all the possible solutions.
List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Detail what you will do.
Follow through.

How To Turn The Dream Into A Reality

What separates those who succeed and those who live their lives feeling that things could have been better?

Ask any truly successful person why they achieved and they will all tell you they had a dream, a vision for their future. Those who are successful leaders have been able to share that dream with others with such conviction that they have convinced others to join them on their quest to achieve that dream.

Can anyone achieve their dream? Having a clear strategy can help you make your dream a reality. It isn’t rocket science, or magic. Take the following steps and fulfil your dream. Make it your reality.

Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time

We’re so busy trying to get it all done — and trying to get it all done right — that we sometimes miss life in our hurry to get to the goal.

Are You A Time User Or A Time Waster?

If you are like me, you’ve often wished there were 48 hours in a day instead of just 24. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done that you want. Since we just have about 16 hours a day not counting sleep time, it’s important how we use the time we have.

On the average, people waste about 2 hours a day. This is mainly from poor planning. If a person is unorganized, they waste time trying to find things, they miss appointments, they only do one thing at a t…