Motivation By Facing Facts

Some of the greatest truths are the most obvious. But they are also the most overlooked. This article takes a look at the importance of facing the facts and accepting that more usually needs to be done to complete whatever we are doing.

It is very easy to kid ourselves that we have done something or finished something when we haven’t. We need to be motivated by taking a thorough look at whatever we are doing to check that it really is finished and finished well.

4 Strategies For Seasonal Selling – Planning For Retail Cycles

Every product has a natural life cycle and a season where it sells best: some early buyers come at the beginning, and then the mass of buyers come. Prices peak and retailers begin running out of stock. Sales slow, and trickle down to a few last-minute shoppers.

As an online seller, it’s critical you prepare for the natural retail cycles throughout the year. With some simple strategies, you can make the most of the opportunities presented by the changing seasons:

1.Keep …

How A Ghost With A Blue Ball Can Boost Online Marketing

What does online marketing have to do with a ghost? Plenty. Read this and you will see why. The memory still unsettles me whenever I think back to that night.

The experience taught me that to write about a product, you have to see it at work. You will see how this can help you, also. But first, here is what happened that night.

It was November – almost 3 years ago. My friend and client, Guido, asked me to write a sales letter and a couple of ads for him. He ran a ghost …

The bright side of being multi-lingual

The article touches upon the importance of software localization (as a means of expanding the potential market and winning new customers) and contains recommendations on the choice of the right agency

Design For Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is the application of Six Sigma principles to the design of products and their manufacturing and support processes. Whereas Six Sigma by definition focuses on the production phase of a product, DFSS focuses on research, design, and development phases. DFSS combines many of the tools that are used to improve existing products or services and integrates the voice of the customer and simulation methods to predict new process and product performance.

Reading Trade Shows Report

Have you wondered how people work out the viability of major trade shows? How they calculate what is feasible and what is not? When it is feasible and when it is not? This is where Trade Show Reports enter the equation.

These reports are written by data analysts who forecast the future growth of the market. The information contained in the reports allows for the individualized planning of trade shows that anticipate the needs of invitees.

What information belongs in a T…

4 Rules For New Entrepreneurs – Practical Tips For Starting Right

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur—in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly. You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

But being a successful entrepren…