Do You Know What Your Customers Want?

“The True Function of Any Successful Business is to Sell People Precisely What They Want To Buy” – Bob Serling

I suppose the above seems rather obvious. After all, no customers, no business, right? But if the failure rate of businesses today is any indication, then perhaps it’s not so obvious after all.

What do I mean by that last statement?

Have you noticed the ads that most business place, if they place any at all? Don’t most of them focus on the business, and not …

Why Bother With Distributed Leadership?

I’m an alumni of Boston University Graduate School of Business, so I receive the Alumni magazine Bostonia. To be honest, that doesn’t mean I read it faithfully at all. But this issue was different. George Labovitz, a professor in organizational behavior at the school wrote an article recently on his research into the application of alignment to achieve extraordinary results in organizations.

He caught me with the first sentence: “More than thirty years of research has sho…

Profit Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Word in Material Handling

With the economy on the mend, a lot of people in the material handling industry are expecting good times without having to make any changes in the way they do business. Unfortunately, that means the continuation of one particular practice that played a major role in getting the economy in trouble a few years back.

How Refunds Can Increase Your Sales?

If you have a no refund policy, many customers will either not make a purchase or buy less merchandise. These customers are reluctant to spend their money, in case the product isn’t right. Yes, they could exchange it for other merchandise. However, if you don’t have what they want currently, you have their money and they have nothing.

Can You Really Generate Internet Wealth Without A Website?

The word’s out that it’s possible to make a good income from the internet without even owning a website.

It’s an appealing proposition, but is it too good to be true? I used to think so. But now I know differently…

Have you noticed the ads down the right side of the Google search results screen? Those little squares of text are changing the face of the internet. They are changing the way we use it, and the way we can earn from it.

These are “Pay per Click” ads. Whe…

Making Money On A Site That Bombs

You spend a lot of time and effort to build out and market a site. You are getting a lot of traffic, but the site isn’t profitable. What now?

Review: Google Profits – The Easy Way To Earn On Google

Whenever it comes to investing in information, I always remember the story of the plumber who fixed the factory’s pipes and invoiced a hefty fee for “knowing where to hit”.

Here follows my review on an ebook that “knows where to hit” when it comes to making money with Google.

The Google Profits ebook by Wade Winger

Google Profits opens with an introduction to the basics on a particular brand of internet earning: harnessing the combined power of affiliate marketing an…

Drop Shipping Increases Profits

You would like to increase your income by selling other peoples` products but you just don`t have the money to stock inventory.

On the other hand, perhaps you have lots of your own product and would like to increase your sales, but you don`t have a lot of money for advertising.

The solution to both problems may lie in drop shipping.

1. Sell Products You Don`t Own

You would like to sell a variety of products but you don`t have very much money. Don`t worry! Your cus…