Champagne Corks Are Popping To Celebrate Your Promotion!

The champagne corks have been popping to celebrate your promotion.
You have a well paid job you love – its really interesting. You are using your talents to the full and your boss really values your contribution!

If you recognise yourself in the statement above – congratulations!

If you want it to be true – how can you make it happen?

Five strategies to achieve your promotion.

Developing a Marketing Mindset: Part Two

In a previous article we discussed the distinction between an Influencing Paradigm, and a Service Paradigm, to marketing your coaching business. We discussed how marketing your business is both ethically valid and commercially crucial, and how marketing is a critical process in achieving your coaching objective of having a positive impact on the lives of others.

In this article we’re going to further explore exactly how you can develop a Service Paradigm marketing mindset.

Education vs Sales-Based Marketing

The marketing paradigm that can literally make or break your coaching business…

The correct answer to this question can completely change your coaching business forever. It can change your perception of your business. It can change your focus in your business. It can change how you go about operating your business. And most importantly, it can determine the success or otherwise of your business…

9 Packaging Trends That Will “Connect” You With Consumers

Today’s consumer is a moving target. Choosing the right consumer and the right demographic to target is an important decision. Monitoring what is hot and what’s not can dramatically influence a package design’s success or failure. Package design is an integral way to connect with your customer. But do you clearly understand the needs and wants of these elusive markets?

10 Steps to Getting Paid for Your Marketing Materials

How many times have you heard the same sound bites come out of your mouth to your clients, prospects, and audiences, almost boring yourself to tears in the process? Imagine generating money directly from those sound bites, from those pearls of wisdom that effortlessly trip off your tongue. Yes, it is completely possible, and here’s how to do it.

Balancing Your Promotions

Promotion of your online business may take a variety of directions. Some will bring more success than others. Every one is important to consider when you are trying to open the door to visitors to your site.

This article discusses several of the more useful ways to promote and the necessity of keeping some balance in your promotional efforts.


Everyone needs to make an effort to get their site indexed to the major search engines. If you have no idea …