Casting The Role Of An American President — ‘all Business Is Show Business!

So, I’m channel surfing in my New York City hotel room, organizing the junk I lugged from a conference to my hotel room floor, junk I’m about to pay an exorbitant surcharge to lug over the border and then throw out once I get home. No point in channel surfing,’cause there’s only one thing on, presidential hopefuls strutting their stuff.

Even with the volume turned off it didn’t take me long to size ’em up.

Disclaimer. I have no business writing an article about American…

Don’t Let Stage Fright Make You A Bad Speaker

Just because you have to deal with stage fright does not mean that you have to be a bad speaker. I don’t know anyone that does not have a difficult time speaking in front of an audience to one degree or another. In fact, a healthy amount of fear while giving a speech will help you to be a better speaker. So you have a choice to make, you can either fall apart because you are afraid to speak in front of an audience or you can use your fear to help you to be the best speaker po…

Fear Of Public Speaking? Ease The Tension

You’ve spent endless hours preparing the perfect speech – enthralling, witty, entertaining and attention grabbing – and the minute you get near a stage or podium you begin to fall apart! Fear of public speaking is all too common amongst the professional and social arenas and tackling your nerves may appear to be an impossible mission. There are however great tips and techniques included with training courses that can really help and overcoming the fear of public speaking ca…

Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

Ever had butterflies in your stomach, that dizzy and nauseous feeling when asked to speak to a group of people?

Even days before, you seem somewhat uncontrollable and disoriented. And when you get to the rostrum or stage, you just want the floor to swallow you up? That feeling that gives you the jitters and that you just want to back out?

Alas, you are not the only one. I guess that would relieve you a bit, knowing you are not an isolated case. A lot of people are horri…

Overcoming Fear Of Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is a very common form of social anxiety. Fear of public speaking has often been called the ‘Greatest Anxiety,’ due to the large number of people who actually experience this fear. Fear of public speaking doesn’t just mean that you have a fear of making a speech in public. It can mean that you experience stage fright, or even that you have a fear of talking to other people in a social situation.

Fear of public speaking often holds people back from ma…

Overcoming Nerves – In Public Speaking And Entertaining – Part 1

Many people often assume that those of us who stand up to perform or take part in any form of public speaking are not troubled by nerves and that their own attempts would only be doomed to failure because of their feelings of nervousness and fear.

These thoughts only exacerbate the feelings. When they do attempt to speak, their mouth goes dry, the hands begin to sweat, the stomach churns and a feeling of nausea takes over. Very often they begin to tremble and the brain see…

Public Speaking – A Fate Worse Than Death!

You may be wondering what a Lifestyle Training Company and a retired magician have to do with Public Speaking.

For many years at our Lifestyle Centre we trained therapists in all aspects of complementary medicine and ran courses in Personal Development, including NLP and Public Speaking.

We found that one of the main causes of health problems today is STRESS and one of the most stressful things and one that creates tremendous fear and trepidation is the act of Public Sp…

Public Speaking: Plan Your Timing For Maximum Impact!

Timing is everything and public speaking is no exception. Long drawn-out presentations will only result in a bored, distracted audience and you’ll lose their attention very quickly! On the other hand, rushing through your material can give an impression of nerves, or your key points could be missed. Public speaking presents huge challenges for many people, but sorting out your timing can be the difference between a great speech and a mediocre or downright appalling present…

Public Speaking And Hypnotherapy

One of the most terrifying things to do is to speak in front of a large group of people. But if you wish to be successful in your career, you should learn how to overcome your nervousness and anxiety. Public speaking is a skill that can actually be acquired by following some helpful tips.

Use Visual Aids
If you become nervous because the audience attention is focused on you, you should try using some visual aids like charts and video presentation. This way the attention …

Public Speaking Anxiety: Getting Success With Public Speaking

With the pressures of climbing the corporate ladder and just keeping up with the Jones’s, there are many things that are pushing us in life to succeed and achieve greater goals year on year. While really wanting to succeed and attain our goals we can stumble on some obstacles that may be barriers that keep up from making a success in life and reaching our goals. One example of this is a fear of public speaking; also known as public speaking anxiety. In a recent survey this ph…