A Purpose Given Is A Purpose Worth Living

These days there’s a mad rush to be purpose driven and I wholeheartly agree, it is better to be purpose driven than going in reverse or stuck in neutral. However, why would I be content to be just purpose driven and not living my life’s purpose on purpose? I believe the real reason most people are okay with being just purpose driven is because they don’t know how to identify their real purpose for existing or what purpose means when it relates to individuals. If you’re readi…

Discover What You Really Want – Ask This Question

Kids Know What They Want

When I was a child, it was easy. I’d sit down with a cup of hot cocoa, some cookies, and a sheet of paper to write my letter to Santa. I’d tell him everything I wanted for Christmas. I had no trouble identifying what I wanted. I didn’t worry about whether I thought I could have it, how much it cost, or what other people would think. I knew what I wanted and I asked for it!

Sometime between those childhood years and becoming an adult, I became mu…

Effective Time Management For Today’s Christian Entrepreneur

As believers, mastering effective time management is one of the greatest ways we can be fruitful and demonstrate our faithfulness. We have to do all that secular businesses do and find time for our prayer, meditation, worship, and service. As believers, we have to be twice as good to be a full reflection of God’s glory. There is one business principle that is true for all businesses – your business will prosper to the extent that you master peak productivity. The key to execu…

Get Your Goals Done!

I used to have too many goals that I was highly motivated and enthusiastic to achieve.

But I found myself working very hard in the first one or two weeks then everything returns back as it was. I was quickly losing motivation, enthusiasm and persistence to achieve my goals.

I even felt distracted due to the too many goals I set for myself and felt disappointed when I found myself achieved nothing of them!

**Do you have similar problems?

One day I discovered a secr…

How to Make More Time for Giving

Are you so busy that there seems to be no time at the end of the day to give to others? It might be the result of not knowing your life purpose.

How To Start Small And End Big?!

Attention please!

In this issue I am going to share with you one of the top secrets to maximum achievement.

Today is your last day of procrastination.

Today is your day of action.

Today is your day that leads to your bright future.

Are you excited?!

This secret has changed my life.

It transformed me from a big procrastinator to a man of action. And my actions led to big achievements.

It all started with discovering…

** The law of accumulation


Mission Impossible – Or Is It?

“No one ever gets far unless he accomplishes the impossible at least once a day.”
Elbert Hubbard

At all times we are making a conscious effort to make and create. It never stops. We can’t help it!

Sometimes we don’t know what we want to make and create so we just do things to mark time. At other times what we want might seem beyond our capabilities and way out of reach.

My question today is: is what you want really ‘Mission Impossible?’

I like to play with words….

Now Is Your Time

Do you feel it? Do you have this sense that things are finally coming together for you and your business? Are you ready to see the fruit of your labor? Well, you are right! It is your harvest season.

You don’t want to let anything stand in the way of you harvesting your fruit. Obedience is key in bring forth God’s vision. It is time to take your obedience to new heights when you are in your harvest season. You must choose to be obedient in all aspects of your life. From th…

Preparing To Live God’s Purpose

Living God’s purpose for your life takes a special set of skills and techniques. One of the questions I hear often is, “Where Do I Begin?” Being clear about your kingdom assignment is not enough. Realizing and really understanding God’s vision for your life is an amazing feeling, but it is part of a journey. In order to move to new levels you must first clear and prepare your life for vision. You must create an environment that cultivates the success your heart deeply desire…

The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve

What is the purpose of your life? Have you ever wondered? Have you ever attended a funeral, touched the lifeless body, listened to the eulogies, and asked yourself, “Why am I alive?” or “What am I doing with myself?” Maybe the questions arrest you when you encounter the limitless expanse of an ocean or the lumbering enormity of a mountain. Nature has that mystical power to lift our inner gaze and cause us to ask big and important questions. Just a brief walk in the woods unde…