Purpose Of Life – Which Direction Should You Take

What’s the purpose of life and how to I get there? Those are two of the most asked questions on this planet. Have you ever asked yourself something similar to that?

You have something very unique in your life to accomplish, which is very great. Of course, the question that comes after that is, ‘What is it then?’ But that is just about as far as most people will ever go. You may ask yourself this question, think about for a few minutes, come up with no answers, and then jus…

Discovering Your Passion and Purpose

“I can’t seem to discover why I’m on the planet.”

“What is my purpose here? I know there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, but I don’t know how to find out what it is.”

“I don’t seem to be passionate about anything.”

I’ve heard these complaints over and over from my clients.