How Not To Quit Smoking – The Concept Of The ‘imaginary Motivation’
I hate smoking, so why do I still smoke?
Now it occurs to me that I generally motivate myself to quit in the following manner:
(i) Make a demand to myself to quit.
(ii) Fail to quit.
(iii) Punish myself for continuing to smoke by nagging myself about it (I call it “worry”).
(iv) Make an offer to myself – I will stop the nagging, but only as a reward for quitting smoking.
(v) Fail to quit again.
(vi) Go back to Step (i) and repeat….
It’s been an unconscious proce…
Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy In Watford
Judging the success rate of a Hypnotherapist’s quit smoking session is not as easy as you might expect. As a Hypnotherapist working in the Watford area, it is one of the most commonly asked questions. However, a recent report into the subject, suggested that the only real way of getting 100% evidence of success from a client, would be to take a blood sample from them, and then test it for nicotine. Since this sounds a little farfetched to me, let me explain to you a little ab…
Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile!
Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we have a choice about how we feel. Most often, we are caught up in the events of the moment, and forget we have that choice. Whenever we remember, however, we can shift gears with a simple …
The Spiritual Power Of Quiting
When you’re faced with an insoluble problem do you ever think of quitting? I’m not talking about “That’s it! I quit,” as a general approach to life. I’m talking about something more profound.
If you’re like me, you were raised never to quit. You were trained to push on, regardless of the odds, and finish everything you started. If you couldn’t fix a situation, you’d live with it, no matter how it hurt.
I was raised in a family with favorites and not-favorites, good guys a…
Act Your Way Into A New Way Of Thinking
The best way to shorten the time spent in a negative situation is to focus on all the positives you can.