Don’t Quit Smoking! Immediately

“How to stop smoking? Hey, it’s the easiest thing in the world, I have done it a hundred times”….. So goes the hoary old joke. It brings a smile from some, a frown from the others and hacking cough from the smokers.

It is no joke for the smokers, however they may smile at it. At heart every smoker wants to stop. Many of them are knowledgeable enough to know how, but can’t quit the fags because the habit is too deeply ingrained.

A) What won’t work?

Gradually decreasin…

Don’t Quit Smoking! Immediately Part III

The Ultimate Stage – Staying off

Hey, are you still with me?? Good. You have made it.

The changes you feel:

You will find a lot of changes in you. Improvements mostly. You feel more …umm.. let’s say Able. You have more stamina, you can walk faster, you cough less, perhaps your palpitations have stopped, you feel better with yourself….

Medically, there are a thousand ways in which you have helped yourself and others.

One laughable change that I noticed was chang…

Drop The Mirror, And Grab The Steering Wheel!

Imagine your life is like a road trip. You’ve packed, you have your bottled water and snacks handy, you’ve consulted the map and, after much deliberation, you’ve picked your desired destination. You turn up the radio, and off you go. Minute, hours, days, and years go by. Soon, you’ve gone through all of your snacks and most of your water. You’ve spent a king’s ransom on gas and car maintenance, collected an impressive collection of road scars—dings, dents, and flat tires—ye…

How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking

The negative impact of smoking on health has been well documented for decades, and there is becoming an ever increasing shift towards kicking the habit for good. Sadly, nicotine is more addictive than crack cocaine, and this is evident in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions worldwide who try and fail to give up every single year. One proven successful treatment in the fight against the tobacco habit has been hypnosis. With a proven track record, hypnosis is becoming…

How To Have Your Final Smoke Today – Forever

Take it from someone who has learnt how to stop smoking after 17 years; you have to make the decision to have your final smoke.

I wrote in a previous article about the necessity to get your mind right first when considering how to stop smoking. It is like anything in life, if you go at this uncommitted you will fail. It took me three months, maybe even longer to have my final smoke. When I first sat down and asked myself the ‘how do I stop smoking?’ question, I set in mot…

Kansas, Or Oz?

‘Welcome to my morning, welcome to my day.
Yes, I’m the one responsible, I made it just this way.’
(Farewell Andromeda, John Denver)

The alarm clock goes off, and a deep sleep unceremoniously crashes into another morning. Bleary eyed, after a speedy debate over 5 to ten more minutes of blessed ‘snooze alarm time’ you drag yourself to wakefulness. Gracelessly you stumble to the toilet, the coffee maker, and (shudder) perhaps that first cigarette as you reluctantly storm t…

Know The Negative Effects Of Smoking And Help A Friend

It always is a wonder to me how people find smoking fascinating. I always thought it was more than that. There are reasons that people throw at me and some of them, no matter how sensible they think it is; doesn’t seem to appeal to my interest. Thus, I’ve never smoked a stick in my entire life and I’m proud to say it. I know for a fact that smoking is never good to a person’s body but I never think ill of people who smoke. Just because a person smokes, doesn’t mean that there…

Learn To Fail To “fail”!

We are all very good at making ourselves feel bad. We come by the habit honestly. Think back to learning to spell in grammar school. Our tests come back from the teacher with the errors marked with red checks. A quick review of our formative years probably shows much more attention was paid to our failures, and those times when we fell short of expectations, than to those times that we succeeded, or even excelled. Often, only the top achievers—the best athletes and the bright…

Making Yourself, And Others, Feel Good With Your Tongue!

How to Make Yourself, and Others, Feel Good With your Tongue!

We are blessed with a marvelous and mighty device that can, in moments, stir the best feelings, or the worst, in ourselves and in those around us. That device is, of course, our tongue. I am referring specifically to our tongue’s capacity to produce sounds and words. In virtually any situation, any crowd of people, or any solitary moment, you are able to make massive changes in how you and anyone within earshot …

Motivational Courses Using Hypnotherapy NLP And Life Coaching Part 2/3

Now all of those are great reasons to go to the gym, but did they get you there? No. If the pleasure of going was a good enough reason, you would have done it already! So your commitment to this motivation you want, will be tested by using pain. During the motivational courses I have provided in St Albans, I have found that people are put off by this relatively simple concept which is really just about getting leverage. Leverage is a bit of an American term, but it gives us a…