Motivational Courses Using Life Coaching Hypnotherapy And NLP Part 3/3

In my St Albans Motivation Courses, I offer Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation that allows unconscious changes to be made easily. NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming, which are different techniques and strategies to help you communicate more effectively to yourself and others, and have greater control over your emotional state. Life coaching is a means of establishing where you are now, where you want to be in the future an…

Motivational Courses Using NLP Hypnotherapy And Life Coaching Part 1/3

Throughout my St Albans motivation courses, I make it clear that in order to be motivated you need to be moving. The word motivation leads us to think about being enthused, inspired and driven and these are important qualities for a human being to posses. They are the feelings that get us out of bed in the morning, that enable us to work in pressurised environment and that help us to grow. Everything in the universe is either growing or dying, and if you want to avoid the lat…

Nicotine In Cigarettes – Addictive Or Not?

The debate continues between medical experts and rehabilitation specialists as to whether or not nicotine in cigarettes is actually an addictive substance.

Many people are unaware of the hotly debated topic of nicotine as a n addictive substance. Some experts claim the substance is ‘only’ a psychological addiction, while other specialists claim it is in fact a physiological affliction.

I was once contacted by a professional hypnotist who rebuked me for my assertion th…

Quit Smoking By Hypnosis

Smoking is one of the most addictive behaviors a person can have. It is said that even if a pack a day smoker manages to quit for a few years, the tendency to return to the habit is quite big. All he has to do is take one drag and the entire addiction is back again. Hypnosis is one of the many methods which can seriously help. A friend of mine once tried to quit smoking by hypnosis. With this short story of his experience, you can get some insight into what you expect your ex…

Quit Smoking Patch – Good Or Bad?

When smoking your body and brain get used to receiving nicotine and they become addicted. The problem when quitting is that although you want to stop smoking your organism will continue to ask for nicotine. Then it’s when the withdrawal symptoms set in, causing cravings. This is the reason why quitting is so hard for the most of us.

Fortunately for us, today there are all sort of treatments for the smokers who want to quit. One of the most used methods at the moment is the…

Quit Smoking With Hypnosis

Famous American author Mark Twain once said, “To quit smoking is one of the easiest things in the world, I must have done it over a dozen times.” So many individuals who smoke struggle to quit time and time again. It is believed that the nicotine that is found in cigarettes is one of the most addictive drugs that exists today. Nicotine is addictive both physically and psychologically. A study once estimated that each time an individual lights up a cigarette that individual is…

Self-Hypnosis – Everything You Need To Know About It

Hypnosis was accepted by the American Medical Association in 1958 as an effective mode of procedure for treating anguish, and stress related symptoms. But does it really work, and what should a person look for when seeking a hypnotist, or buying hypnosis tapes & CDs?

There are many assorted hypnotic methods that are used to reach the unconscious mind to invoke change. Each method has its pros and its cons. We are all different, so it only stands to reason that the best res…


Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile!

Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we have a choice about how we feel. Most often, we are caught up in the events of the moment, and forget we have that choice. Whenever we remember, however, we can shift gears with a simple …

Talk To Yourself To Create The Hypnosis Motivate To Success Formula

Did you ever try to do away with a harmful behavior, only to fail? There is an extensive list of ordinary problem behaviors that people often try to alter or eliminate using self-hypnosis or NLP. The most common are: Overeating and weight loss; stop smoking; quit chewing tobacco; stop nail biting; increasing self-confidence; overcoming insomnia and sleeping better; improving memory; and managing stress.

The motivation for our behav…

There’s A New Sheriff Between Your Ears!

Deputy Dawg Days!

I recently had a client that wanted to change her ‘self-esteem’. Since I have never seen a ‘self-esteem’ I had to figure out exactly what she was talking about before I could determine whether or not we could change ‘it’. Self-esteem falls into the category of metaphysical beasties that are actually a collection of actions that we try to abbreviate into a thing in order to make ‘it’ easier to talk about. My test of true ‘thingness’ is whether or not th…