Self Defense 2: Life Style Exercise
I want to stay alive!
Do you?
Mugging! Rape! Hooligans! Yobs!
Cholesterol! Circulation! Diabetes! Progressive Joint stiffness! Family genetic factors!
You name it!
Few diseases of developing age can be prevented.
But many – so many indeed – can be modified and risks so much reduced.
There are many lines to follow. Above all – the focus of this article – spinal integrity. The organs all get what we could call their ”electric energy supply” from the spinal …
Self Defense 4 – Which Martial Art?
You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.
Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.
You have decided to join a self defense class. But which one?
Karate? Aikido? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Kung-fu? Hapkido? The list is truly endless.
My advice? Don’t join any! If you do, you will have NO chance of surviving a mugging o…
Self Defense 5: Protect Yourself And Your Dog
We read so much about pet owners being attacked, raped and murdered when walking their dog in the park or wherever..
Now, rightly or wrongly, I consider my first duty is to Tyson, my dog.
1. I make sure his collar is such that I can slide it off in an instant, freeing him and making it difficult for (my) attacker, mugger or would-be rapist to catch hold and hurt him.
2. He is trained to “Bark” on command, to draw attention if we are trouble. The last thing an attack…
Self Defense 6: The Mandatory Warning
You are walking along when you see a suspicious looking character coming towards you. You adjust the hold on your umbrella or walking stick and prepare to defend yourself.
Aware of the need to protect yourself, as he approaches you suddenly hit out and break his head.
No! Bad! Very Bad!
The result? He lands up seriously sick in hospital.
And you end up seriously sick in jail!
Until proven otherwise, he is doing no wrong walking where he is. He has not …
Self Defense 7: Isometric Exercise And Brime
Exercise without moving as muscle? Yes, of course. A tried and tested system – perhaps not to turn yourself into a man or woman of steel, but nevertheless an accepted and documented way of reviving much of your younger days’ tuning.
There are many and varied training methods. When I worked in the London hospitals (so many years ago!) I was actively involved in Exercise Study. A passionate student of BRIME – Brief Repetitive Isometric Exercise, that was the ‘In Thing’!
Self Defense 8: Curdle His Blood!
Tyson, my dog, is a powerful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tremendously strong, huge jaws and a tremendous bite. Which I know to my cost when he misses his rope tug-of-war and accidentally catches me instead!
The only thing which subdues him is – a sharp command from my wife. And down he cowers. [A bit like me?]
Gorgeously natured, he is afraid of nothing. That’s how it should be. He is able to go wherever he chooses – when I allow him.
But I have observed on so many o…
Self Defense 9: Footwork
Vital for some – but a Liability for You!
Important for YOUR success – but leading to YOUR defeat!
Slide your feet and demolish him – slide your feet and get kicked in the belly!
Move to your Left, WHACK! him – Move to your Right, be whacked yourself!
Move about – be crushed! Stand still – crush him!
To be skilled in Footwork – ten long intense years of study; but to be skilled in Winning – five minutes of study – Stand Still!
Practice your footwork– and Los…
Self Defense 10: The Intruder In Your Bedroom!
Horror of Horrors! You wake up – and there he is! In your Bedroom!
A small latch is fitted which would make a noise to wake you if the bedroom door was forced, but would allow emergency aid to easily shove it open. But tonight of all nights you forget both to latch it and to set the house burglar alarm.
Your dog sleeps in the bedroom with you but she is old and deaf. A bit like you… You don’t want her beaten and killed as she tries to defend you.
You must mentally re…
Business And Life Success Secrets Of A Remarkable Woman
I have wanted to write this article for some time. It is about what some have called a remarkable woman. As a matter of fact, she was recently featured in a book by the same name, “Remarkable Woman” by Insight Publishing.
The businesswoman’s name is Dr. Devona Williams. She is the Founder and President/ Chief Executive Officer of a 16-year-old Performance Consulting Company Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. Dr. Williams is an accomplished inspirational speaker, trainer and …