Nitwit Nation: Is America Too Dumb for Democracy?

Studies show that over 96 percent of America’s adults exhibit such limited literacies that democracy in any meaningful sense of the word is impossible. U.S. citizens need to start thinking and acting like citizens by turning off their TVs and engaging their minds.

Appealing for a psychic reading

Nowadays, you will find more people choosing to seek guidance from a psychic helpline than from psychoanalyst or from a priest. Perhaps the advice of the priest is too restrictive and, in some parts of the world, the church does not manage to follow up the speed of the modern life. Psychological counseling may be too expensive and too pretentious on occasion. People seem to find the idea of a psychic reading more approachable and helpful.

Novel with Music

In this time, You have possibility to enjoy
the written stuff whit music that fits dead true.

Not Another Book Club

Not everyone has time to read a novel to be able to go to a book club and talk about fiction. So what is the alternative? Why not start your own short story club? Read on to find out how.

How and Why to Start a Business Book Club

I suggest and encourage business book clubs. Maybe you would like to start one within your organization or maybe you would prefer to build one among colleagues from outside of work. Either way this article will outline the keys to help you build a successful single event or long-term club.