Transformational Counseling is all about assisting another human being to live a life that they love and to live it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is about creating a space for others to learn how to transform their lives, to live a life differently from how it was in the past, to truly create what they desire. Transformational Counseling is about assisting others in their getting and utilizing a powerful technology that will enable them to make a true difference in their life and in the lives of others.
The Root Cause and Permanent Solution for an Alcohol or Drug Addiction
This article uses statistics to show how widespread and devastating the alcohol and drug abuse problems are in our society and the need for effective addiction recovery programs. It also shows the basic reason why people use alcohol and drugs, and how a person can become permanently free from them (as the author did 24 years ago after 18 years of use).
Abandoned Again—How We Repeat Our Childhood in the Present
You can change these old patterns. It takes time, awareness, determination, and work on your part, but it can be done.
How to help stop repeating abandonment and abuse in your life now.
Connecting the Past and the Present: Healing Abandonment and Abuse through Awareness
For people who have been abandoned, either literally by actual physical absence, or emotionally—a parent can be in the home and not there for us—the abandoned child syndrome may remain years later, showing up through insecurities and fears, clinging behaviors or its opposite—walls to intimacy.
From Alcohol Dependence To Natural Recovery
Alcohol dependence is a wide spread problem that affects tens of millions of people throughout the globe. There are many more additional people touched in some indirect way with the associated problems of alcoholism or dependency. There are almost as many ideas on how to recover from this mental, physical and spiritual dilemma as there are people affected by it. Many major programs such as 12 step or treatment facilities claim some degree of success by utilizing a form of “gr…
Recovery From Addictions, Part 2
(This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on addiction).
In Part 1 of this series of articles, I defined substance and process addictions, and described the four major false beliefs that underlie most addictions:
1. I can’t handle my pain.
2. I am unworthy and unlovable.
3. Others are my source of love.
4. I can have control over how others feel about me and treat me.
This article addresses the first of these beliefs, and goes into the process of learning to manage your …
Recovery From Addictions, Part 3
People turn to addictions is to avoid the pain of loneliness and fill the empty place inside that really wants to be filled with love. Learn about the beliefs that keep you from accessing the love that will heal addictive behavior.
Recovery From Addictions, Part 4
The major false belief that causes the most pain for many people is the belief that you can control how important people in your life feel about you and treat you. The behavior and resulting pain coming from this belief is often the underlying cause of addictive behavior.
Recovery From Addictions, Part 5
In this final part of a 5-part series on recovery from addictions, I address the way out of addictions. Learn the powerful 6-Step Inner Bonding process that, when practiced, will heal addictions.