Peace, The Balm To Soothe Troubled Lives And Times
In his masterpiece, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl writes, “Every age has its own collective neurosis and every age needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it.” There is a collective neurosis in our world today, it is the cry for peace emanating from individuals, groups, communities and nations, impacting the mass consciousness.
The cries and marches for peace, power and freedom that marked recent decades, present a backdrop for today’s human conditions of st…
Creating Greater Success Through Reflection
If I could give you a tool or resource that would change your life in positive ways, change your results, create more happiness in your life and help you get better at anything you desired . . . And if I could promise you that this tool would cost you nothing, require only yourself and could be used at any time . . .
Would you be interested?
Reflections on a New Image
Occasionally I have an identity crisis. I think that’s good. From time to time I have to ask myself questions like: Who am I? What am I doing? Do I like doing it? Am I good at it? Will it help the world? and How does the world know I’m doing it?
Grow Through It
Reflecting on your interactions in relationships with other people allows you to observe and adjust your views, beliefs, perceptions. Often, past experiences limit our future experiences by tainting our judgements of others. Wouldn’t it be better to discover who others are from a place of wonder and amusement? Shutting them out with that first judgement is like saying a banana split is lousy because it looks so messy!