Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 41 )

Before considering further how devotion to duty helps us in our spiritual progress, let me place before you in a brief compass another aspect of what we in India mean by Karma. In every religion there are three parts: philosophy, mythology, and ritual. Philosophy of course is the essence of every religion; mythology explains and illustrates it by means of the more or less legendary lives of great men, stories and fables of wonderful things, and so on; ritual gives to that phi…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 1 )

Some of us met on the pages of When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat. Others of us may have met at lectures, seminars, airports, on telephones or in letters. Still others have met in areas beyond the more familiar, three-dimensional world. And yet, though our meeting may have been as brief as two ships passing in the night,or as long as a lifetime, we are drawn together by gifts that transcend time itself — gifts such as truth, freedom, joy, peace, love and, most importan…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 2 )

Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most profound. So it was on this beautiful morning in June. It was almost like any other morning in summer except for the peculiarity of the sunlight in my backyard. The rays of light streaming through the outstretched branches seemed to take on a special hue. An otherworldly glow from these reflections set the tone for the day. What a glorious morning, I thought, as I made preparations to take my wife, Mardai,to the hospital again.

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 8 )

“There is really nothing else we can do,” said the chief physician with a deep sigh.“We must now wait.”A horrible emptiness overcame me. We had not come this far to lose. First, losing all our material possessions years earlier,then losing my father*, and now the chance oflosing my wife? No! My heart screamed out in protest,as if by sheer force of will I could change the course of destiny. No! She will again recover as she has done so many times before. But a still, small voi…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 9 )

Among the different people I’d met years ago was a man whose name was Gideon. Today, as I sat quietly on the porch gazing at the trees in the backyard, he came to my mind once more. Gideon was a very special person, indeed. I first met him in a parking lot not far from the Big City where I used to live. Together we shared some special adventures and through him I was introduced to some of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.

I had often wondered what became of him…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 15 )

Amazing, I thought. He barely spoke to me a few hours ago, made an appointment, canceled it, and dropped off my gift book in the mailbox. And what a title — The AncientLight Within.Since I needed another good book to read, I was grateful for this one. I opened it,searching for the name of the publisher and author. There, printed on the first page was “The Ancient Light Within by the Editors of G & M Enterprises, The Big City, United States of America.” On the left, inside cov…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 16 )

When I awoke it was already daylight. I have a favorite spot where I sit with my first cup of morning coffee. It’s in the kitchen,facing the large window that overlooks the woods behind the house. Earlier that year,I had erected a number of bird feeders,and I took pleasure in watching the birds as they enjoyed the seeds Malika and Jonathan set out for them. One bird feeder was suspended from a thin wire stretched out between two giant oak trees. This was an effort in my never…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 23 )

Malika came down first. As was her custom, she walked over to me,kissed me good morning and sat down at the kitchen table. Jonathan immediately followed. There was the usual sparkle in his eyes as he smiled.

“Hi,Dad,” he said.“Was somebody here? I thought I heard voices.”

“Oh, just a fellow who was passing by,” I replied.

“The one who said you won a set of books?” he asked. Taken aback, I asked, “Who told you that?”

“I’m not sure,” he answered. “I had this dream l…

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 29 )

Here I was, putting the cart before the horse, or to put it another way, thinking that it was the tail wagging the dog. I began to remember some of the simple rules of life that Gideon had taught me: live one day at a time; do the best with what you have; love and help one another. In the process of remembering these truths I became extremely elated. The joy of these recollections generated considerable excitement in my mind, and before I knew it, everything seemed well with …

New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 30 )

No worry came to me as I retraced my footsteps. There was music in the air and I was a part of it.Life was meant for rejoicing, not for suffering. Focus on suffering and that’s what you get — more suffering. Be alive all your life,strange as that sounds, and you find that planet Earth can be a lovely adventure. So many years I had spent worrying about money, illness, family and everything else, that I’d lost sight of some of the more important aspects of life — joy, peace,qui…