Capital And Its Reward

Finance, in the sense in which it will be used in this article, means the machinery of money dealing.

Buy To Let – The Pitfalls

Taking on a property in addition to your home can be a time consuming and complex matter. Before you become a landlord (or lady), make sure you’ve thought it through!


While you may be lucky and find the perfect tenant by chance, it’s a good idea to interview potential tenants first. You can ask for references from previous landlords or employers to reassure yourself that they are trustworthy and solvent. While students provide a large part of the tenant market, …

Care And Use of The Dunk Tank

The dunk tank is one that can be made of plexy glass or that can be made of glass. No matter what the walls of your choice dunking tank are going to be made of you want to be sure to clean and dry out the dunk tank before putting it away each time.