A Healthcare Agenda For America
With the Democratic and Republican primary campaigns already well under way, the American public is being involved in a major examination of our national priorities and direction for the years ahead including the issue of healthcare.
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll in March, after Iraq, healthcare is the single most important issue among American voters today.
And healthcare is an issue that we will continue to face regardless of what happens on the interna…
Republicans Vs Democrats
Currently in the United States there are two main political parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. While not every person ascribes to every belief of their stated political party, generally, the beliefs held are as follows:
Republicans prefer a small federal government, only performing those functions that are specifically stated in the Constitution. They believe the federal government should provide for the defense of the country, mi…
Me, You, And Ted Haggard
I read about Ted Haggard’s confession of homosexuality and use of methamphetamines, just as you probably have. And I had reactions to it just as you probably do. The first reaction I had was a sense of vindication tinged with that luscious feeling of revenge that the hypocrisy of gay bashing was once again being brought to light.
And while that vindication may bolster the just cause of equality for all human beings, revenge is sweet for only a few short moments. I recogniz…